Today's Evil Beet Gossip

You Look So Good, Girlfriend

Lindsay Lohan can’t book a movie but she sure can book a ticket to France. Homegirl was seen hanging out with a male companion at a Cannes yacht party this weekend and to say that she was looking rough would be polite. It doesn’t appear that LiLo was slamming cocktails on board, so maybe it’s just the “jet lag” catching up to her, but damn! This girl is in her early 20s and she’s looking worse than Demi Moore will 20 years from now. Yikes.

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  • You should marry Lindsay Lohan, ever since I found this site /coughs all I see is you posting about the “nobody Lohan” someone has a hard-on for the lady. Enough denying Miss. Molls and admit it, she’s your hero.

  • i don’t think she looks that bad you have just posted one of those unfortunate photos taken while she was blinking. most of us look a bit haggard if we have been partying and flying all over the place.

  • I’m thinking it has to be a daily occurrence, where she is just sitting at home texting or maybe while driving her car, and she lifts up her ass, and cocks her leg, tries to fart but instead just shits herself.

    A fucking fast food and vodka diet.

  • I just dread it, the day when I get online and see she’s dead. I truly pray someone would intervene for her.

  • she doesn’t look bad in the other pics. and she has great legs.
    i just think she would look so much prettier without the bitch look on her face-she seems to permanently give us the stink eye. yet i know i would hate paparazzi´s as well if they stalked me all day long

  • Just my opinion but I think the dark hair looks too harsh on her. As crazy as it sounds, one of her best photos was her mug shot from a few years back. That’s pretty sick actually.

  • I will LMFAO if she is thrown in the slammer!!! I don’t feel bad for her because she has been given every chance to get her act together. And no, I don’t think it will clean it her up; it isn’t rehab it’s punishment.