Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Corey Haim Was in Even Deeper Than You All Thought

Well, maybe.  Unless, you know, you were a close friend or maybe one of the four-thousand pharmacists that constantly refilled illegal 'scripts. Cali Attorney General Jerry Brown claims that Haim doc-hopped between seven different physicians to procure over five hundred pills of a varying type -- such as Soma, Xanax, Valium and Vicodin. The 500+ pills were acquired between January of this year and March 10th, when he died. What I'd like to know is how many of those pills were actually lef...

In Other News …

Nicolette Sheridan is just ... desperate. [Celebitchy] Prince of Persia's coming out soon. Are you in? [popbytes] Golden Girls porn? Please and no-fucking-thank you. [Pajiba] Madonna will never adopt that American-born baby you didn't want, mama.  [Celebitchy] Justin Bieber! GTFO already!!! [Amy Grindhouse] I didn't know Amber Rose had a tattoo there ... oh, wait. I didn't care. [cityrag] Heyyy, Jesse James is really fuckin' disgusting. [Pop on the Pop] Should skinny-skinny models come with a non-reality disclaimer? [Zelda Lily] />Nicolette Sheridan is just ... desperate. [Celebitchy] Prince of Persia's coming out soon. Are you in? [popbytes] Golden Girls porn? Please and no-fucking-thank you. [Pajiba] Madonna will never adopt that American-born baby you didn't want, mama.  [Celebitchy] Justin Bieber! GTFO already!!! [Amy Grindhouse] I didn't know Amber Rose had a tattoo there ... oh, wait. I didn't care. [cityrag] Heyyy, Jesse James is really fuckin' disgusting. [Pop on the Pop] Should skinny-skinny models come...

Oh. My God.

Mischa Barton was photographed this past weekend looking, well ... I guess "like a banana" would be the closest thing to nice I could come by saying. And no, I'm not kidding: that really is Mischa Barton. I mean, please believe -- I am no shining beacon of supreme bodily perfection either, but I wouldn't wear these horribly non-flattering plantain-pants to sleep alone in a dark closet, let alone out in public, you know ... for other people to actually see. Damn, girl, you look ... b...

Really Didn’t Know Blogging Was Part of the Crime and Punishment Curriculum.

Lil Wayne, or Weezy, or whatever the fuck this douchenozzle goes by nowadays -- you know, the one that's in jail now or whatever -- recently launched a new website (from jail, mind you) by the name of  According to reps, Wayne wants to keep in touch with his publix public while in the pokey and what better way to do it than taking to the internet -- via some kind of misplaced bureaucratic-bullshit privilege? I think this guy, his entire website and the all the high-horse, self...

Hayden Panettiere Still Dating Wladimir Klitschko, Somehow Still Able to Walk Upright

Just when you thought these two were neva going to make it, they continue to appear in public together -- the giant and his Jackoff the Beanstalk. The tiny Heroes star, Panettiere, emerged in public with her massive boxer-boyfriend in order to catch the LA premiere of The Perfect Game, which Hayden's little brother happens to star in. ... Fuck, I'll say it since you won't: seeing these two together always makes me think of sex. Sex, SEX, sex. Can you imagine these two having sex? Com...


"When all is said and done, he wants the same people who were living in his house before all this happened to still be living there. And he wants to save his marriage with the woman he loves more than anything in his life. He's focusing on what he's doing and trying to make himself better. The First Amendment was not meant to cover the sexual lives of people who are not in office. This is sheer voyeurism and bullying, pure and simple. It's disgusting." - Jesse James' attorney Joe Yanny patheti...

Rielle Hunter Settles on Her First TV Interview

Nothing but the best for John Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter. Homegirl has decided who she wants her first television interview to be done with, and obviously she went for the queen, Oprah. The interview will take place in Rielle's Charlotte, North Carolina home and will most likely air during May sweeps.  An "insider" spoke to The National Enquirer about the interview and said, "She's excited about giving her account of how she met John, how the affair began and what's in store for her ...

Behind the Scenes at the Biggest Loser Open Auditions

Last weekend, Chelsia Hart and I headed down to Portland to check out the Biggest Loser open casting as part of the new reality-obsessed show we're doing for SuperPass, Back to Reality. This was definitely my idea, and by "my idea" I mean I saw that they were casting in Portland and I emailed the crew like "OMG WE ARE GOING I DON'T CARE IF WE RIDE THERE FROM SEATTLE ON HORSEBACK." (I'm kinda obsessed with Biggest Loser. ) We scored some exclusive interviews with the casting directors about the audition process and what they look for in potential cast member, and we chatted with people waiting in line (in the pouring rain for hours!) to audition. We also ran into Ken from season three, who was there to cheer on the folks in line, and we talked to him about his experience on the show and what life has been like for him and the other contestants since their time on Biggest Loser. We put some of our favorite parts of the footage on YouTube -- check it out! /> Last weekend, Chelsia Hart and I headed down to Portland to check out the Biggest Loser open casting as part of the new reality-obsessed show we're doing for SuperPass, Back to Reality. This was definitely my idea, and by "my idea" I mean I saw that they were casting in Portland and I emailed the crew like "OMG WE ARE GOING I DON'T CARE IF WE RIDE THERE FROM SEATTLE ON HORSEBACK." (I'm kinda obsessed with Biggest Loser. ) We scored some exclusive interviews with the casting directors about the audi...

OMG You Guys Jennifer Lopez Has the WORST Singing Voice EVER

Some jackass engineer released this audio of Jennifer Lopez in the studio attempting to record her single "Enough is Enough." GUESS WHAT? It wasn't perfect on the first take. So now we all get to run around the Internet talking about what a talentless hack Jennifer Lopez is. Ummm, singing is hard. And singing in a studio, all alone, to a song you've never heard before on the radio and the music -- but not the melody -- coming in over headphones? Is harder. This isn't half-bad for an early attempt -- it's a hell of a lot better than what I could do -- and I think she's very endearing throughout the whole thing. She realizes immediately that she's off, and she laughs and apologizes. Maybe she went on a crazy diva rant later in the day, but if this was her worst behavior in that studio, that's a damn good day for an A-lister. I still don't like your album, Jen, but I've got your back on this bullshit. /> Some jackass engineer released this audio of Jennifer Lopez in the studio attempting to record her single "Enough is Enough." GUESS WHAT? It wasn't perfect on the first take. So now we all get to run around the Internet talking about what a talentless hack Jennifer Lopez is. Ummm, singing is hard. And singing in a studio, all alone, to a song you've never heard before on the radio and the music -- but not the melody -- coming in over headphones? Is harder. This isn't half-bad for an earl...

Happy Monday, Y’all!!

Ohhhhhh it's a good day! I have a treat for pretty much all of you readers! (The 5% of you who are straight men can take a brief break from reading and think about Megan Fox.) If you've been reading this blog for awhile, you know my biggest celeb crush is also a totally random one -- Matt Felker, the guy from the Britney Spears "Toxic" video. I have a general thing for guys in music videos, but he is my icon of video hotness. He is my Tawny Kitaen. The very first time I saw that video, I ...

Kal Penn Is Ditching Obama for Kumar

Less than a year after Kal Penn's character suddenly committed suicide on House so that he could work for the Obama administration, the news breaks that he's headed back to Hollywood. Not to play a brilliant, up-and-coming doctor on the critically acclaimed and brilliantly written Fox series, but to star in ... the third installation of Harold and Kumar? Um, yes. Filming on the Christmas-themed flick, which may or may not be shot in 3-D, begins in late June. Kal Penn will be there, instead ...