Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Does Anyone Else Find Rupert Friend as Eerily Attractive as I Do?

In case you were wondering who he is, he’s Keira Knightley’s long-time boyfriend. He’s also a pretty ridick actor from across the pond. I’ve seen a few select films (The Libertine, Pride and Prejudice) that Friend had a part in, and even though I was concentrating more on his face than I was his acting, I got the impression that he’s pretty solid. An actor, a pretty solid actor. That is.


Knightley and Friend (ha) were photographed last night in London after a cozy dinner date at the popular J. Sheekey restaurant. And all of my eyes — all two of ’em — are on Mr. Rupert Friend.

PS, Keira: You’re looking good, too, girl.

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