Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nicole Kidman Loses Role to Selena Gomez

This has to be a tough blow to Nicole Kidman's ego, especially after whatever it is she's just done to her face. Selena Gomez has just been cast in the lead role of the film adaptation of Headhunters by Jules Bass. The role was originally promised to Nicole back in 2005 (five years ago!) when the film was first in development. Due to some changes in the film's tone, they decided to bring in Selena instead. Another reason Selena's a better pick? She's cheaper. Selena will cost literally millions less to employ and her popularity is high enough that the studio can still ma...

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake Take Rich People Vacations

These photos pretty much squash the Jessica Biel/Justin Timberlake break-up rumors for me. It's one thing to be seen out on the street with someone, but to go on a winter getaway with them? That's a whole different story. Have you ever been skiing? There's a lot of downtime and even at the most crowded ski parks in the world, you're super aware of who you're with at all times. In fact, if I can think of one place I would never want to be with a dude I wasn't feeling, a snow-covered mountain wo...

Let’s Take a Moment To Talk About Mo’Nique

I'm real emotional about Sunday already. The Oscars on Sunday? When Mo'Nique's totally going to win Best Supporting Actress for her life-changing performance in Precious. Life-changing. I went there and I mean it. I'm real into Mo'Nique winning and so it's a pretty good thing that there's almost no chance she can lose. With Mo'Nique, it's more than just the fact that she knocked her role out of the park, I also just think she's awesome. The NY Post got a preview of her interview from the 2...


“I don’t think that’s fair at all for people who are going to see the show. I think if you are going to be a singer, you should sing. If you are going to be a dancer, you should dance. If you are going to do a combination of the two, you should make it very clear when you are singing and very clear when you are dancing. I would never do that to my fans. No offense to her specifically but people have asked me before to mime. I have been up at three in the morning for a television show wi...

Ryan O’Neal Barred From Visiting Redmond in Rehab

It's a great week for Hollywood parents. Michael Douglas was accused of turning his son in to a drug addict, Brooke Mueller's friends are saying she turned to crack under the pressure of motherhood and we've just learned that Ryan O'Neal isn't allowed to visit his son in rehab because it's not in Redmond's best interest. So yeah, I would say you should probably have another kid, Tom and Katie. A source told Radar Online that the judge was not messing around when it came to Redmond getting treatment this time around. That includes keeping him away from any negativ...

The ‘Stars’ Have Already Started Dancing

Nicole Scherzinger and her partner (last year's winner) Derek Hough are already hard at work on their routines for Dancing with the Stars. I'm not sure that the two were able to get much real work in with photographers looking on, but I think these two will be just fine without a ton of practice. In fact, wouldn't you say it's almost unfair that Nicole and Derek are allowed to be partners? Nicole obviously has dance background from her days with the Pussycat Dolls and Derek took his partner to...

Motherhood Drove Brooke Mueller Back to Crack

We're all wondering what the hell went wrong in the Sheen/Mueller household and friends of Brooke may finally have answers. Postpartum depression! Classic! A pal of Brooke's spoke to Us Weekly: A family friend says that Brooke's relapse to drugs began shortly after the twins' birth. Born severely underweight, young Max was hospitalized for weeks. "It was a really scary situation for a new mom -- for any new mom -- and at that point she went back to her comfort zone...she resorted to the way she handled stress in the past." Hey! OK! So if this story is remotely the truth, t...

The Caddie is Always The Last to Know

Steve Williams, Tiger Woods' New Zeland caddie is just another person you can add to the list of people who are angry at Tiger Woods. Steve has been bombarded since news broke of Tiger's cheating, but he was as much in the dark as the rest of us and he went on a New Zealand show called 60 Minutes to say as much: “It’s been the most difficult time of my life, no two ways about it, because every single person believed that I should know or did know or had something to do with it,” Willi...

Bad Girls Club Recap: Amber Alert

Okay . . . . so to review, Kendra is just as responsible for the fight as Natalie, however, the girls ditched Natalie in Santa Barbara two weeks ago. All the girls, particularly Annie, seem quite happy with the prospect that Natalie will not be returning. The girls happily pack all of Natalie's things (one of her purses looks like MC Hammer pants reborn. Gross) and rejoice in her absence! Kate seems a little worried because for the past few weeks she has been on team Natalie, and now she is...

Brady Bunch Dramz!!!

How have I not heard this story previously? Apparently The Today Show was going to a Brady Bunch reunion today, but it fell apart because Eve Plumb hates Maureen McCormick. Everyone's reps are denying it like crazy, but here's the email Radar got from Chris Knight's rep: “We only have speculation to go on, but to the best of my understanding, it falls on the aggressiveness of Today producers who are not used to getting a "No" for an answer + some major miscommunication between some reps. ...

The Winner of Tyra Banks’ “Fiercely Real” Teen Modeling Competition is Going to Be HUGE!!!

PUN INTENDED. Oh, Tyra. How I love to hate thee. Tyra is SO open-minded, you guys. She ran a contest for teenage plus-size models. Except she doesn't call them "plus-size." She would never do that. Because Tyra Banks has no idea how to properly hyphenate anything. She also thinks the term is unfair, because apparently the average woman in the United States is a size 14, so this is "real-sized." (Without the hyphen, 'natch.) She calls these teens "fiercely real." This was the Fiercely Real Teen Mo...

Lindsay Lohan Looks Great in Absolutely Nothing Purple Magazine

The #1 rule of photographing Lindsay Lohan is this: She must be smoking a cigarette. It's in her standard contract. Honestly, Lindsay, if you're trying to reform your party-girl image and convince the world that you're no longer a nose-candied wastoid passed out on the late-night choo-choo train to Heath Ledgerville, stop glamorizing your cigarettes. That said -- and I know you guys will disagree -- I love it when Lindsay does these photo spreads. I think she's a fantastic model. She's so ...