Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Britney Spears and Her Agent BF May Not Be Toast

It was reported earlier this week that Britney Spears and her man Jason Trawick were dunzo, but that might not be the case. According to sources close to to Britney, Jason was seen over at her place this past weekend and the supposedly-off couple was also spotted at an LA hotel together.

According to the source, they’re doing the “on/off” thing, which I’m sure we all know is probably totally (not) healthy for Spears, whose prone to acting all kinds of unstable. The source continued on to say,”Most everyone else abandoned her, but Jason refused to be completely cut out of Britney’s life. He’s very protective of her.”

Damn. Britney’s come so far this past year. Her dad Jamie’s roll in her life has worked wonders. I hope that she’s able to kick the sometimes-boyfriend before things get really messy and sticks close to her pops.

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  • “Her dad Jaime’s ROLE not ROLL!!! Please learn how to spell!! I wish Evil Beet wrote more……

    • Also WHO’S (as in, “who is”), not WHOSE (as in, “belonging to”).

      Maybe now that Beet is all about $$$ over quality, she hired someone straight out of school so she could pay them less.

      • I’m a huge grammar/spelling freak. I was when I was in school, when I was fresh out of it, and currently. One’s proximity to school has nothing to do with their grammatical abilities, unfortunately.

        As far as roll v. role: There is a very funny Dinosaur Comics web comic ( wherein T-rex decides to open a bakery and make gender rolls (in the shapes of women cooking, men fixing things, etc.) I laughed heartily.

  • I don’t want to be mean, but you’re a professional writer? I see mistakes like this in every posting!! come on now

  • Wow had my first look at this website in a while….what a downward spiral indeed. You guys give up on Beet, she’s obviously given up on this website. Check out HILARIOUS, consistent updates and can spell! (or at least use spell check)

  • For the record, a spell check wouldn’t catch “roll” instead of “role”. Honestly? It’s a gossip website. Is it really that offensive to you to deal with a typo?? Relax…

    • ONE wouldn’t be offensive. MORE THAN ONE in one entry = annoying. MULTIPLE TYPOS every single fucking day by someone positioned as a professional writer, earning a living with her bad spelling and grammar = offensive. Even gossip sites deserve SOME level of professionalism. They can’t ALL be like Perez Hilton…although this one is starting to run a close second. All we need now are little white scribblings and drawing of dicks on the photographs…

      • I agree completely! This type of writing is beyond pathetic. And Beet’s refusal to address the issue among all her writers (including herself- but mostly molls) is offensive. She doesn’t care about how her readers feel because she’s too stubborn and prideful to admit there is a problem and deal with it. It’s immature, unprofessional, and extremely stupid. Way to run a “successful” website Beet!

  • Who cares!!! My boyfriend thinks the same with me. He- is eight years older than me, lol. We met online at an age gap dating site- A_ge_m_in_g l e @ c//o//m a nice and free place for Younger- Women and Older Men, or Older Women and Younger Men, to- interact with each other. Maybe you wanna check out or- tell your friends.

  • Who cares!!! My boyfriend thinks the same with me. He- is eight years older than me, lol. We met online at an age gap dating site- A_ge_m_in_g l e @ c//o//m a nice and free place for Younger- Women and Older Men, or Older Women and Younger Men, to- interact with each other. Maybe you wanna check out or- tell your friends.

  • Who cares!!! My boyfriend thinks the same with me. He- is eight years older than me, lol. We met online at an age gap dating site- A_ge_m_i n_g l e @ c//o//m a nice and free place for Younger- Women and Older Men, or Older Women and Younger Men, to- interact with each other. Maybe you wanna check out or- tell your friends.