Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kate Gosselin Was All Like, “Forget This Shit!”

Bored single woman with absolutely nothing to do, Kate Gosselin, finally gave in to the fact that she hated her seven-thousand dollar extensions and chopped them all off. It’s unclear if the thought came to her after her tanning appointment or before her mani/pedi, but you know how us free-spirited single women are! When we have to do something about our look, we just have to do something about our look! What other priorities do we have beside making sure our shit’s on point? Nothing. There’s nothing for us to do. That’s why we’re single. We’re like a herd of wild, gorgeous mustangs with nothing on our schedules except running free and making sure we have plenty of time to just “do us”.

Now that her look is perfected, what do you think a woman like Kate can do with all that free time on her hands? Perhaps she can take a ceramics class where she can meet other young women who aren’t tied down and they can all bond over margaritas and boy talk at the local Chili’s after. I don’t know! Just an idea! I’m running late for my laser hair-removal appointment, but I’ll check back in with you later!

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Anyone else think it’s scary how much she looks like Kate Majors (the reporter John was banging a while back) in that photo?

  • there is no way she chopped off ALL of her hair extensions, she just made them shorter, probably more manageable.
    Her original hair cut could not have grown out that fast.

  • I can’t stand the bitch but I think it’s funny that she’s criticized for all her grooming ways. I mean if she didn’t people would rag on her too for being a lazy slob.

    I guess she’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t.

    On that note, can the Gosselins just GO AWAY already?

  • Why is she burping that grown person?

    Why is there no snow? Did her bare milf legs melt it?

    Why do I care?

  • She looks kind of like a slim version of that girl, Brianna?? (the chipmonk woman’s kid on real housewifes of OC). Who’s that person she’s hanging on to?