Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Casey Johnson Did Not Die of a Drug Overdose

She actually died of a drug underdose, if you can even believe it. And if “underdose” is a word.

Casey Johnson’s autopsy results were revealed today and although everyone was certain that the heiress would turn up with any number of drugs in her system, that wasn’t the case at all. Casey Johnson died because she didn’t take care of her diabetes. From TMZ:

The L.A. County Coroner says the cause of death was “Diabetic Ketoacidosis” and the manner of death was “natural.”

But our sources say the Coroner’s findings clearly show Johnson — who died at 30 — was not taking her insulin shots, was not exercising, did not follow her strict diet and was not taking other medicines she needed.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis is a technical term for lack of insulin, which often leads to a diabetic coma. We previously reported where Johnson was hospitalized for diabetic comas at least twice before her death.

Although Casey’s death has been chalked up to diabetes, we also have to consider what kind of state someone would have to be in to show such disregard for their health. Clearly there is much more to this story than diabetes. Casey was a mother, she was wealthy, she supposedly was in love with her fiancee Tila Tequila (although those close to her say that that whole relationship was just a plea for attention.) She had no reason not to take her medication if she wanted to live and she had to know that death was a possible result of her inability to care for herself if she’d already been in two diabetic comas. Unfortunately, I’m pretty convinced that Casey’s real cause of death was whatever depression or mental illness she suffered from in addition to the diabetes.

It’s been a surprising day for dead celebrity news, that’s for sure.

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She may have suffered from “insulin bulemia”. One of the symptoms of ketoacidosis is weight loss. When your blood sugar is consistently very high for a long time, your body stops metabolising fat, similar to the effects of atkins diet. Some young girls and women suffering from type 1 diabetes like Casey was purposefully do not take insulin so that they can eat as much of whatever they want and still lose weight. Obviously it is incredibly dangerous and can lead to fatalities.

    • Gotta say, that was my first thought too. Diabetic ketoacidosis is really common among people who deliberately keep their blood sugar high to keep their weight down. It isn’t safe, but it is more common than people would think.

    • Yep, my first thought as well. When someone so thin dies so young my knee jerk reaction is “drugs or ED”. Diabetic Ketoacidosis makes the later fairly likely. I guess we’ll never know… Tell all book by Tila Tequila coming soon? *shudder*

  • Don’t think you’re an MD or qualified to suggest she was depressed or had a mental illness. Find it arrogant and obnoxious to write those things without knowing her.
    We always assume they are so broken because we gawk at them for being famous, we want them to fail. Tragic deaths of stars, and terrible gossip are the only reasons you have a site. Also, please do more research on diabetes and how hard it can be for so many to keep it controlled and in check.

  • Don’t think you’re an MD or qualified to suggest she was depressed or had a mental illness. Find it arrogant and obnoxious to write those things without knowing her.
    We always assume they are so broken because we gawk at them for being famous, we want them to fail. Tragic deaths of stars, and terrible gossip are the only reasons you have a site. Also, please do more research on diabetes and how hard it can be for so many to keep it controlled and in check.

  • What’s ironical about this shit, is her eponymous company is one of the biggest diabetes companies in the wurl.

  • Brittany Murphy didn’t die of drugs either, she died of Pneumonia and anemia. I guess you bloggers should hang your heads in shame today for jumping to conclusions and trashing the dead. Whatever happened to FACTUAL reporting? Even the National Enquirer doesn’t report things without checking them out with multiple sources.

    • I thought the same thing. Beet was convinced both of these people had to have died of drugs because her mysterious volunteer experience with drug abusers gives her special knowledge about things. Unless you know someone personally (and not even always then) you should not assume that your assessment of their life (or death) are correct. It’s understandable to hate what drugs are doing to people, especially young people. It is not right to let your passion blind your judgment.

  • In the case of Casey Johnson, I say that this was nature’s natural selection doing what it does best…getting rid of the trash the old fashion way….naturally.

    Oh well, we can’t win them all by overdose!! But there’s always next time. Thank goodness we have an abundant supply of self absorbed stupid vapid celubutards!! Whose next? Step right up!!!!

    • Wow, then I guess you’re next because only trash would say something like that. Come on nature, lets get going. CrabtownUSA is stinking up the world.

  • I almost died and was in a coma with Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). At the time I did not know I had diabetes. Apparently I went into urgent care, had my blook sugar meaured – it was 371! and I was SENT home. The next day I went into ICU with DKA. I don’t remember any of that. I was in a coma for 5 days. It would never happen to ME again, but I don’t know what happened to Casey aside from she was hyper sloppy with the insulin shots.

    Mine was from an undiagnosed case of hereditary hemochromatosis, whose damaging effects are 100.0000% preventable with early detection. Mine wasn’t detected early, so the damage to my pancreas, liver, and elsewhere are permanent. I had to discover the disease MYSELF (after I (later) found out my doctor had discounted it). An amazing story. Go figure.

  • This is what can happen when families take a tough line, and are waiting for their child or family member to hit bottom and agree to not help them until they go to rehab – for whatever reason. You do risk the person dying, that’s the gamble you take when you are advised to force the person to hit bottom. Unfortunately Casey died before that could happen, she was not a huge partier but drinking plays havoc with your body’s sugar level and when you are a diabetic it’s incredibly dangerous. Casey wanted to be like everyone else, Casey wanted to be famous for something other than being the “baby oil heiress” which 99% of the world would have been thrilled to have been. She never really found herself, couldn’t take care of the child she had by herself for even a day, and at the end she was sick and alone, her phone dead no one called or came by or invited her for Christmas, she died alone unable to call for help.

    It’s nobody’s fault and everybody’s fault there should have been some sort of mediation or negotiation to get Casey the help she needed, it didn’t have to end like this. I wonder about how her mother Sale is doing, knowing all of this. Poor little rich girl died alone and unloved.

  • Yeah, let’s blame her for dying of a disease that millions of other people have died from. Surely it must be her fault somehow. Let’s blame the people who die of cancer and heart disease for their own deaths too, shall we?