Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh My God I Am Ridiculously Excited About This

If loving the exploitation of Lindsay Lohan’s journey through emotional wreckage is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

Is Lindsay Lohan a secret celebrity hoarder????


She is blatantly hoarding half the world’s collagen in her lips. You can let some of that go, Lindsay. Do you really need all of it? I think there’s a dead cat in there somewhere. (Seriously you guys do you remember that episode where they found that dead cat? ZOMG. I died. Not like that cat died, but you get it.)

16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Do I remember the episode where they found the dead cat? No. But I remember the episode where they found like 40 dead cats. It may have been more…I tried to block it out.

      • Actually, I do need your help. Expect a real inquiry next week. But all seriousness aside, think about the possibilities – Molls, Wags, Patron, a swarm of bed bugs and FIRE.

  • I love how these commercials are soooo dramatic, I swear SNL has their work cut out for them
    you’d think Lohan being a hoarder is the equivalent of starving children in Africa.

  • Man, did anyone notice how ugly her teeth are? Jesus, she used to be gorgeous. Now she’s just pretty. And I’m sure she’s having some botox or something on her cheeks.

    Fuck. It’s like watching my childhood disintegrate before my very eyes.

    • Her teeth are exactly what I noticed and they look like classic Bulimia teeth. That greyish green hue is from barf. No joke. NASTY!

  • OMG! Look at all the shoes! I’ll admit, being a poor university student I was kind of jealous, but in a way I kind of like fitting all my crap in one tiny dorm room………..she should sell it all and donate the profits to Hati:)

  • I think Niecy has her beat on the collagen.

    Imagine all the drugs she could buy if Lindsanity sold some shoes….

  • Hahahaha I feel terrible for laughing bc it’s sad but I laughed my ass off when they found that steam rollered cat

  • Wow…I totally saw that episode. And the worst part about it was the woman’s response. Or lack thereof. And I like how they could trace how long the cat had been there by the level of crap on top of it. Like sediment.

    I feel like Lindsay would have the same response if they found dead accessory toy dogs hanging with her gucci purses. Poor thing needs to leave Hollywood pronto.