Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Christina Milian Gets Written About On Gossip Blogs

Oh, wow! Remember Christina Milian? She didn't "happen" so long ago that I've forgotten her completely, but I probably go months and months at a time before remembering she's alive. Then I saw today that she's going to court over that incident where her dog attacked her neighbor and I was all, "Christina Milian! Let's check in with that bitch! She's mostly irrelevant, but adorable." So that's what we're doing. TMZ is reporting that Christina's neighbor is still suffering, emotionally and physic...

The New Jennifer Lopez Song Sucks

"Everybody's Girl" was leaked today and it's not good. I would be open to liking this song based on the fact that Jennifer Lopez has supplied us with a jammable tune or two in her day, but it not fun to listen to. It's not even this "club" sound that bothers me. I can totally get in to dance music if it's worthy, but this track sounds like it's a castoff from Heidi Montag's album. The chorus isn't catchy, the lyrics don't pop out at me and the beat's not dancey, it's trashy. Yeah, trashy. It s...

Help Find CinnaBun/Look How Cute These Two Are

Sandra Bullock headed in to the Los Angeles rain (yes, it was raining again yesterday) to pick up some flowers with her step-daughter Sunny (Aw. Sunflowers for Sunny.) Although the two of them seemed to be making the best of the crappy weather, husbo/dad Jesse James was dealing with a drama much worse than the weather-- his pitbull, CinnaBun, is missing. Jesse suspects that she's somewhere in Long Beach (where his shop is located), and is asking everyone in the area to keep their eyes open. Let'...

Update on the Kerrigan Family Drama

Although Dan Kerrigan's autopsy results are still pending, Nancy Kerrigan and the rest of her family wont be seeing brother Mark Kerrigan, at their father's funeral. Currently, it's suspected that Mark's physical fighting with his 70-year old father over the use of the home telephone was the cause of Dan's death. He's been arrested and charged with elderly abuse (not murder) and is currently undergoing a psychiatric evaluation. From People: Mark Kerrigan, 45, who has a long history of violence and r...

REMINDER: Our Fabulous Sex-Toy Giveaway Ends Today!!!

If you haven't yet entered, today is your last chance!! Our by Fascinations contest ends at the end of the day on Wednesday!! We're giving away $200 in gift cards to to readers who tell us what their favorite bedroom toy is and why. You can get details on the contest here and the submission form is here. You guys have sent in some great stuff so far, and I'm looking forward to hearing from even more of you! />If you haven't yet entered, today is your last chance!! Our by Fascinations contest ends at the end of the day on Wednesday!! We're giving away $200 in gift cards to to readers who tell us what their favorite bedroom toy is and why. You can get details on the contest here and the submission form is here. You guys have sent in some great stuff so far, and I'm looking forward to hearing from even more of you!...

And Now For Something Completely Inappropriate

Miley Cyrus' little cousin Emily Grace Reaves (you may recognize her as Noie Cyrus' partner in red carpet crime) is about to release her own clothing line of scandalous clothes for little girls. You can see in the video above as she explains to Miley that she's wearing her own look that she has on what looks like Paris Hilton's cast offs from The Simple Life. These clothes wouldn't be appropriate for Halloween on a girl as young as Emily, but I suppose that's what's passing for clothes these da...

Steven Tyler’s Doing Shows at Home Depot

Steven Tyler is so legend-status. This weekend the on again/off again lead singer of Aerosmith hit up a Home Depot in Rancho Mirage, CA and surprised store employees and customers alike when he took over the PA to perform. He sang two two of his biggest hits ("Dude Looks Like a Lady" and "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing") before taking rips off a helium tank and singing BeeGees style. He also agreed to sign autographs for anyone who asked. Hey, celebrities! Everyone would love you all if you did ...

Chelsea Handler Continues to Prove That It’s Fine to Have Sex With Your Boss

Chelsea Handler's reps over at E! just confirmed that she has, in fact, split from her longtime boyfriend, Ted Harbert AKA the CEO of Comcast Entertainment Group AKA the guy in charge of E! AKA Chelsea's bossman. The two ended it last August, although they denied the reports of their break-up at first, and Chelsea has moved out of his big, huge rich person house. Thankfully for Chelsea, her show does well in the ratings, otherwise there might be one less brassy 30-something woman talking about...

Bobby Bottleservice: “That orange bronzer looks good on your face, but it would look better on my sheets”

If you guys aren't totally clueless, then you've seen Bobby Bottleservice on FunnyOrDie. It's this great character played by Nick Kroll, who clearly has spent time in Los Angeles. This town is crawling with Bobby Bottleservice-types the way that New York is crawling with rats and and roaches. You could say that Los Angeles is crawling with rats and roaches too, but the rats spike their hair and the roaches have rhinestone t-shirs. ANYWAY! Enough about my dating life, let's get in to why you should w...

Taylor Momsen is Awesome

Taylor Momsen did an interview with TimesOnline and wowewowwow! It is chock full of really awesome quotes. I don't know who told this girl that she should be honest to the point of complete irreverence, but I love them. Here's some of her best quotes from the interview: On being a role model: “To be honest, I don’t f***ing care. I didn’t get into this to be a role model. So I'm sorry if I’m influencing your kids in a way that you don’t like, but I can’t be responsible for their act...

Orly Bloom Won’t Return For New Pirates Either

Awhile back I announced on here that Johnny Depp is almost definitely not returning to the Pirates of the Caribbean set for another movie. This news was not popular, because what the hell is a Pirates movie without Johnny playing Jack Sparrow? All that would leave us with is Orlando Bloom and that pretty British chick on a boat. Well, now I guess it's just the British chick and the boat because Orlando doesn't want to do another installment in the series, either. So where does that leave D...

Gerard Butler Has a Thing for Street Performers

[caption id="attachment_53646" align="alignnone" width="240" caption="Image from"][caption id="attachment_53646" align="alignnone" width="240" caption="Image from"][/caption] This is kinda like some Pretty Woman shit, but instead of having sex with men for money, the chick plays the violin. And Gerard Butler doesn't save her, he just makes out with her and gives her a few dollars. Wait, let me back up. Gerard Butler was at a Haiti benefit in Santa Monica yesterday with some buddies and after they were done saving the world they decided to go take a walk on Ven...
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