Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Bow Wow Drives Drunk and Lives to Tweet About It

500x_custom_1262367172379_bowwowtweet1 Rapper Lil' Bow Wow was out and about on New Year's Eve, tarnishing his sterling reputation by tweeting about driving drunk in his Lamborghini, although personally I think he did the most damage by admitting that he was spending time with Chris Brown. Gawker did a pretty thorough analysis of this: * Im fucked up!!! = I am drunk. * Y i drive the lambo = I am driving my lamborghini now. I should not be. * Chris might have to drive after next spot = As in, I'm driving it right now, while t...

Kathy Griffin Ushers in the New Year by Cussing

She wasn't about to let her live television appearance scoot by without causing some controversy! For the second year in a row, Kathy Griffin brought us all into another annum with vulgarity. During a CNN shoot with Anderson Cooper, she opted to pronounce Balloon Boy Falcon Heane's name as "Fuckin." It's at around the 0:55 mark in this clip. Anderson Cooper just mutters "you're terrible" and moves on. The network said in a statement Friday that it "regrets that profanity was used during our New Year's Eve coverage." As for Kathy? This is her statement: "Like every other serious reporter covering the now infamous balloon boy hoax, I struggled to pronounce his name 'Falcon' correctly and have gotten a kick out of how many ways I've heard it pronounced by other serious reporters. Just add me to that list and happy new year!" You gotta hand it to this woman, she knows how to stay relevant. She's like Paris Hilton but with a talent. My friends and I ushered in the new year with fondue and a house party. Of course, I took lots of pics and made a little video. You can check them all out on my personal blog if you'd like. /> She wasn't about to let her live television appearance scoot by without causing some controversy! For the second year in a row, Kathy Griffin brought us all into another annum with vulgarity. During a CNN shoot with Anderson Cooper, she opted to pronounce Balloon Boy Falcon Heane's name as "Fuckin." It's at around the 0:55 mark in this clip. Anderson Cooper just mutters "you're terrible" and moves on. The network said in a statement Friday that it "regrets that profanity was used during our N...