Today's Evil Beet Gossip

This Just In: More Drama in The Bad Girls Mansion!

Kate's boyfriend Paul comes to visit and Natalie puts the moves on right away! I'm not sure how I feel about this guy yet; he seems a little boring, or what I like to call an NONP (no opinion no personality).  Still, he makes Kate happy, and I think Kate was real this episode and is going to try and be more real as the season progresses.  She gets mad at Natalie because, as we all know, Natalie is a GIANT BEYOTCH, and Kate throws Natalie's make-up out the window.  Natalie retaliates by talki...

Kimmel Spent 38 Minutes Making Fun Of Leno Last Night

Jimmy Kimmel kind of blew everyone away last night when he entered the stage of his own show last night dressed up like Jay Leno to deliver his monologue. Pretty funny bit, especially since Jimmy is often the forgotten host of late night. What was funnier though, was that he kept the bit up for the entire show, hosting with a prosthetic chin and wig and telling "Leno jokes" (Sample: "Do you know what ABC stands for? Always Bump Conan.") Perhaps one of the best parts of the whole thing is Jimmy's bandleader, Cleto...

Idol Premieres with Lackluster Numbers OR I Miss Paula, You Guys

American Idol premiered last night and for the first time in the six years (only six years? I feel like this shit has been on my whole life), the ratings failed to crack the 30 million mark. They did OK and came in with about 29.8 million, but for a premiere and with Victoria Beckham holding down the judges table with, they probably could have done better. Of course, one major drawback to the show this season is that Paula Abdul is now gone. I don't think I appreciated what a delicious nutty flavo...

Kate Gosselin Heads Back to Reality TV

It was really just a matter of time. TLC's finally announced the plans for Kate Gosselin's solo-show (no Jon, no kids) and it sounds like it's going to be obnoxious but completely watchable. The "reality" program is to show Kate out on the world on her own working different jobs. One week we'll see Kate the hairdresser, the next we might see Kate the pastry chef. There's no word on how many of these jobs will be in Kate's local area or how much travelling she'll have to do for the gigs, but a co...

Jessica Biel Climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, May Also Be Single

Okay, stupid Jessica Biel. After all these years, you have finally done something to impress me. Now, don't get me wrong, I still don't like you one bit, but I will give you credit here. Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro is a pretty decent accomplishment. Jess and some friends, including Emile Hirsch and Elizabeth Gore, summitted the highest peak in Africa (at nearly 20,000 feet) in an effort to raise awareness about the need for clean drinking water in third-world countries. I mean, most celebs atten...

Sarah Palin Makes Her Debut on Fox News. You’ll Have to Tell Me If It’s Any Good.

Because I can't watch it. First off, I apologize for my recent absence around these parts. My laptop is very sick. It's at the Apple store right now undergoing emergency surgery, and hopefully it will come out alive and well. My friend lent me her laptop in the interim, but trying to be creative on a foreign computer is kind of like Mark McGwire playing baseball without steroids; it's just not as impressive and things take much longer. But I thought I'd share with you the video footage Sarah Palin's Fox News debut. Maybe I could have watched the whole thing if she hadn't been sitting next to Bill O'Reilly, who, in the first few minutes, tries to convince me that Sarah Palin is not a threat because she is both a mother and an American. Because, you know, once we chicks pop out kids in this country, we lose all potency to effect change in other arenas. There was nothing misogynistic about that remark, Bill. You're a peach. Furthermore, there is nothing at all threatening about Sarah Palin, unless you care about silly girl things like reproductive rights and foreign policy and evolution and the sheer terror that runs through your body when you realize how much of the country is reading this woman's book without throwing something at the wall. The truth is, I'm not especially angry about Sarah doing Fox News. I would way rather have her there, preaching to her choir, than in public office, capable of impacting those of us who don't watch Fox News. /> Because I can't watch it. First off, I apologize for my recent absence around these parts. My laptop is very sick. It's at the Apple store right now undergoing emergency surgery, and hopefully it will come out alive and well. My friend lent me her laptop in the interim, but trying to be creative on a foreign computer is kind of like Mark McGwire playing baseball without steroids; it's just not as impressive and things take much longer. But I thought I'd share with you the video footage Sar...

Conan O’Brien is Pretty F-ing Classy

As I told you earlier today, NBC put Conan O'Brien's nuts in a vice this week and gave him an ultimatum: start your show at 12:05 after an 11:35 Leno show, or get moving. Pretty harsh considering Conan's long relationship with the network and his cult-like fanbase. Then later today Conan released a statement saying that he's not going to move his show, and NBC can figure it out on their own. Well, he says it far more eloquently than that. Here's the statement: People of Earth:In the last few ...

Do You Know What Thighs Sound Like When They’re Repeatedly Rubbed Against Leather? Yes, They Have a Noise.

Mischa Barton is back in NYC with her pooch AND her dog and the three of them were seen walking around the East Village yesterday while she checked her voicemail. I wonder if it was the future calling to tell her she photograph's terribly in those pants and that they need to be discarded ASAP. On the positive tip, I still think she's looking better than she has in a long time. Her weight is proportional and healthy (some might even say "average") and hey! At least she's not crying, right? [ga...

Casey Johnson Buried Without a Tila In Sight

Casey Johnson (seen above with some of her old BFFs, Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton and Kim Kardashian), was laid to rest today in New Jersey. Though the cause of her death is still undetermined (ehhhh... for the record, anyway), her family and friends remembered her in a private, open casket ceremony. There are more memorials being planned for the upcoming weeks. One person was noticeably missing from the ceremony was Casey's fiancee, Tila Tequila. According to sources close to Tila (probably...

Rebecca Romijn and the Twins Love Milk

Rebecca Romijn is the latest star to dawn a milk mustache in the famous campaign to promote the most popular beverage on Earth with the exception of water. What's special about this ad though is that with her are her and Jerry O'Connell's twin daughters, Dolly and Charlie. I don't know if we've seen much of these muffins since they were born, but man! Look at those adorable, fat babies! Especially that Dolly! You could stick that baby on a dessert tray and she'd be the most edible looking thing...


"The only way to keep warm was by pouring a mix of boiling water and river water down your suit. We were finally done shooting for the day, and one of the crew guys asks if I want to warm up before I go. I'm like, Nah, I'm good. And then I thought, Why not?  Thing is, he'd forgotten to dilute the kettle water. So he poured scalding water down my suit. And I was trying to pull the suit away from my body to somehow get away from the boiling water, and the more I pulled the suit away, the lower the...

Screw Healthcare, I Want To Ensure That My Children Have Conan

Anyone else think this late night shuffle over at NBC is a bunch of bullshit? I was so pumped when they moved Conan from the later spot and Leno stepped down and went to an earlier time slot. It was like the perfect line up. Everyone who likes Jay Leno is asleep by the time Conan comes on, and then us adults can sit around and laugh at the Masturbating Bear. Well, as we all know by now, that plan didn't really work out and now Jay Leno's show is going to be bumped up an extra half hour. Now...
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