“Put your p—- to the wood! F— your guitar!”
– Kristen Stewart tells reporters at Sundance Joan Jett’s advice to her on how to properly rock out in The Runaways.
Definitely– definitely–seeing this movie.
“Put your p—- to the wood! F— your guitar!”
– Kristen Stewart tells reporters at Sundance Joan Jett’s advice to her on how to properly rock out in The Runaways.
Definitely– definitely–seeing this movie.
Exclusio Video: Kristen Stewart Nude ( VIDEO )
Enjoy!!! She pretty sexy…
Joan’s advice is absolutely correct and hopefully applied.
For the girls it ‘s p___y. For the boys, p___s .
There you have it sports fans – Rawk Skool 101.
Thanks for clearing that up, dumb ass.
Nothing, NOTHING gets under my skin more than people putting “k” where “c” should be (unless it’s funny like The Simpson’s and Krusty’s Klown Kollege)
“Rawk Skool” — you just gave me chest pain.
Hmm. Simulated sex with an inanimate object. What a novel idea.
there are no words for how much I fucking love Kristen Stewart
fuckin prime