Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Kate Gosselin

“Don’t kid yourself. When I’m driving to get school supplies with the kids or try on shoes . . . it always crosses my mind that I should be in the passenger seat and Jon should be driving. Every single time.”

-Kate Gosselin on the struggle of being a single mother. This quote was taken from the final episode of their show Jon and Kate Plus 8 and dug up by US Weekly in light of the Gosselin’s divorce being finalized today.

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  • “And then I jerk the wheel back from the edge of the cliff and remember how I am going to screw him over for millions!!!”


    Oh Kate, you are such a phony ass bitch. I hate you.

  • She’s just used to making the old man pay for her brilliant idea to have some more kids.. Like everyone knows how cold hearted and cruel you really are hon, don’t keep lying!?!!!?

  • I think the whole saga could’ve gotten a lot worse than it did. I kind of feel sorry for them. Their relationship wasn’t as strong as they thought it was and it sucks for their family that they turned out to be wrong.

    Poor kids.