Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Zach Braff Thinks Twee Romantic Comedies Are a Better Representation of His Home Than Jersey Shore

The dude who’s been on Scrubs forever and wrote and starred in Garden State, Zach Braff is not too happy that his home state is now being associated with hilariously crappy MTV reality show, Jersey Shore. Apparently Zach feels like the state has just survived being associated with the mob for the rest of eternity because of The Sopranos, and said to Jimmy Kimmel Tuesday night, “Jersey had a chance to be known for something else, and here comes Snooki.” (Side note: I would like to encourage you to read Snooki’s “biography” on even if you’ve never seen the show. It’s pretty delish.)

While I understand that Zach doesn’t want New Jersey to be forever associated with orange, muscular drunks with anger management issues, I have to ask him this: Are lovey dovey romcoms about crazy families and Manic Pixie Dream Girls set to the sounds of all things “indie” really that much better? I’d have to say that long before Zach tried to make a deep cultural impact on all of us with what it means to be from New Jersey, there was someone doing it in a slightly less annoying manner than him. (I said “slightly”.) At least Kevin Smith movies were awesome when you were 15 and didn’t make you cry and feel like you’d die alone when you were 22. Just sayin’.

(the language in this clip may be NSFW if you work at a boring place. Sorry.)

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