Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Miss Piggy

“My Kermie is nothing like [Tiger]. I just want to say, he would never do anything untoward moi, but, if he did, you can rest assured there’d be a hole in one, and he’d be the one!”

— Miss Piggy on Wendy Williams this week, explaining how her man is different than Tiger Woods.

Untoward moi”. You guys are lucky that Miss. Piggy doesn’t make too many public appearances or she’s be covered more than Lady Gaga and the Gosselins combined.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • WHY IS SHE SO SKINNY????? She is a pig. I miss plump, self confident Ms. Piggy. FU Jim Henson manglers, he was a progressive visionary and you are just trashing what he built.

    Now I want to go home, suck my thumb and cry. double super :(

    • Holy muppets batman – that was the funniest comment of the day. I’m with you on the thumb sucking and crying. Though I am lovin’ her peacock feather skirt.

      • She actually looks more like one of the Olsen twins, and is 100 times smarter. Plus, she’s more comfortable with a hand up her ass than they are.

  • I think it’s Disney’s fault that Miss Piggy has become so skinny. After all they did make her sing & dacne with the “Bogas Brothers”. I miss the be confident Miss Piggy although before she big & fat she was an Asian looking Miss Piggy but the olny lasted for about the first year or first couple of years on the Muppet Show.