Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Cate Blanchett

“I enjoy vacuuming. It’s a very satisfying noise when you hear all that grit sucked up from the floor and into the machine.”

— Cate Blanchett to People Magazine on her idea of a fun time.

You know, at first I was going to make fun of her and be all “Yeah, I’m sure you LOVE vacuuming, Cate. I’m sure that it’s really satisfying for you to ‘get down on the level of the people’ and ‘do normal things’.” I was going to be really flippant about it because my apartment is messy and I’m frustrated I can’t afford a cleaning service or figure out how to make things as nice as my mom or some other person with actual domestic skills would make them, but then I realized: I love that sound, too! Frankly, it’s the only reason worth cleaning!

I’ve never told anyone this and I sure hope my mom doesn’t read here, but this one time when I was a kid it was my job to vacuum the living room when no one was home and I was so satisfied by the sound of the little dirt particles getting sucked up that I dumped a box of love beads on the floor just so I could hear the sound of tiny little hard things being sucked up by a vacuum. I really could have broken the vacuum and that would have been a huge problem. I would have been grounded for life if I broke the vacuum, but I risked it because I wanted to hear that sound so badly.

So, Cate. Cate, Cate, Cate. I getcha, girl.

10 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I invested in a Dyson about a year ago and spent like a month being excited for the floor to get dirty each day so I could use it. It’s like magic how all the dirt just goes away!

  • You girls sure like vacuuming. Must be all the sucking that turns you on! I’d like to hang out with Beet while she gets her suck on, know what I mean?…She’s super HOT!!! email me!

  • You guys are weird! ;) Then again, my mother vacuums cos she likes the humming sound it makes… ok, I was spawned by weird, so I probably shouldn’t talk. :oP

  • I think her butler, maids and other domestic help are laughing themselves silly in the kitchen on reading this shocking revelation..