Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Amy Winehouse Is Still in the Hospital, Nicole Richie Joins Her


Don’t worry, you guys, they’re not in the hospital together. No single hospital has enough morphine for that. (Oh, wait, Nicole doesn’t have a drug problem anymore … yeeeeah.) But Amy’s still in a London hospital because her “cold medication” — God, I can’t even type this with a straight face — interacted poorly with some “other” medications she was on. Ummmm yes. When you take 32 Nyquil and 18 Vicodin, they interact poorly. That’s true, Amy. Glad we’ve cleared that up.

Nicole’s at Cedars-Sinai for pneumonia, which I kind of believe, only because she’s been missing a lot of press events lately, citing illness, and that’s unlike Nicole. I’d put the likelihood that she’s in the hospital for something more interesting than pneumonia at about 30%. Her rep says she’s “doing well.”

OK then. Get well, everybody, no matter why you’re sick. Pics are of Nicole at a March of Dimes event earlier this month.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • yeah, get well everybody….
    btw, i think nicole would look MUCH better with a wispy chin length hairdo and a different makeup color palette.

    • Leave it to a woman to show a half assed amount of goodwill and then immediately start trying to tell someone what they should do. It’s shit like this that makes me want to slap the wispy right out of your color palette, fake bitch.

  • “(Oh, wait, Nicole doesn’t have a drug problem anymore … yeeeeah.)”

    wow, that’s really nice. she’s just had a baby, she is no longer photographed partying everywhere, but obviously she is still taking drugs because some old judgemental gossip blogger has decided that she “kind of believes” she has pneumonia.

    and amy winehouse is taking medication to help her recover from her drug addiction like anabuse or methadone. god, HILARIOUS, i can’t even type it with a straight face!

    and before people go “this is a gossip website what do you expect?” i love evilbeet, but taking swipes at people who are trying to get better is pretty fucking low. it isn’t funny, just mean.

  • Just read on a different site that Amy actually is in the hospital because one of her new boobs developed a leak.

    Agree with Jessy on the Nicole comments.

  • jessyann, get a life, …” it isn’t funny, just mean” …are you serious? I think Nicole Richie can fight her own battles yeah?