Today's Evil Beet Gossip

The Subject of A&E’s Newest Reality Show. What Is Kirstie Alley’s Ass?


GSN has already cornered the market on documenting the events of Carnie Wilson’s ass and now Kirstie Alley has a show of her own. 

She’s going to be in a ten-episode series on A&E that will document her weight loss journey.  The last time I heard from Ellie Mae Clampett Kirstie (springtime), she was on Oprah — you know what a fan I am of Big O — and she said that she had a secret plan for weight loss.  A plan that she wasn’t willing to reveal, but one that would be effective.  Apparently, Alley’s plan hasn’t been working out and the Thetans have been unable to assist her efforts, so we are all going to be privy to Kirstie on a treadmill.  Joy.

Why can’t Kirstie shut the hell up about her weight, go get bi-sected and credit it to Pilates the way God intended?

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