Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Time to Stock Up on Earplugs


Most people aren’t a fan of Scarlett Johansson’s singing and acting, but that’s never stopped her from doing it. Now she’s taking it to the next level by appearing on Broadway. Good grief.

The show, A View From the Bridge (which thankfully does not appear to be a musical), will open on January 24th, which means that Scarlett has plenty of time to practice before the big day. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if local area husbands take an interest in the theater, because let’s face it: This broad is sexy as hell no matter what her mouth is doing.

The upside for Scarlett? She’ll be appearing opposite Tony winner Liev Schreiber, who won for his performance in Glengarry Glen Ross. That ought to make the whole play much better and hopefully inspire Scarlett to keep her game stepped up throughout the showing.

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