Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Big Brother Winner’s Unfortunate Investment


If he hadn’t been arrested and if he wasn’t facing two decades in the slammer and a million bucks in fines, this would have been an ingenious plan.  Adam Jasinski, the 2008 Big Brother winner was arrested Saturday in North Reading, Massachusetts after trying to sell 2,000 oxycodone pills to a government witness.

Jasinski had a brilliant plan.  He took his $500,000 in Big Brother winnings and invested; he bought a shit-load of drugs to resell at a profit.  Brills!  Well, brills until the DEA got involved.

Sounds like Adam didn’t uh … expect the unexpected.

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

    Or the DEA. Seriously. Because they chase low level drug guys who take drugs and hence don’t expect the DEA.

  • If your on a show called “Big Brother” and then get federally indicted on drug charges… you know what, it’s already been said, this guy has an extra chromosome.

  • this makes me sad…i remember him saying on the show that he worked with children with special needs…not much of a role model

  • He used to work in PR (of all things) for an organization that helps children with autism. He referred to the kids as a sweet group of “retards”. They are autistic. There is a Huge difference. He was insensitive, in accurate, unempathetic and crude. He was quickly fired from his position while he was on the show.

    Dealing pills? Looks like some people get what’s coming to them.