Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Adam Lambert Pays Attention to Details

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American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert granted a pretty lengthy interview to Details magazine in which he dished every detail about losing his virginity (he was 21), his drug use (he did a lot) and where he’s headed now (fame, baby).

I’ve been reading about Ram Dass — he wrote “Be Here Now” — lately.  He received real clarity about his life and its direction after using ‘shrooms and LSD.  Turns out, Adam had a similar experience with acid.  I am getting some of those hallucinogens as soon as I possibly can!

He fell into a depression sometime in 2006. “I got out of my first relationship, and I was kinda downward–spirally,” he says. “I was destructive . . . just numbing myself out.” He started partying at nightclubs like Hyde and sleeping around a bit—or as he describes it, “being a slutbag.” He was also drinking, “smoking a shit ton of weed,” and doing coke. “It was everywhere,” he says. “And I’m not gonna lie, I had some fun, but it’s never worth it the next couple of days physically.”

In 2007, he was cast in the chorus of the national tour of Wicked and finally making enough money to support himself—about $1,800 a week. “But I was burned out on the show,” he says. “Wicked was humbling; I was an understudy. I didn’t get to go on all that much.”

That summer, on a spiritual quest of sorts, he went to the Burning Man Festival in the Nevada desert. While on acid for the first time, he says, “I had a spiritual epiphany about the world and where I fit into it and what I am supposed to be doing. And my epiphany was, like, I can’t be afraid anymore. I have to take life by the balls and make shit happen.”

That epiphany is what led him to audition for American Idol upon returning from his trip.  Kinda throws that “Just Say ‘No’ to Drugs” theory out the window.

6 CommentsLeave a comment

    • I was shocked (in a “i knew this all along, but he is actually admitting it) when I found out he was gay!

  • wow. that photo is so beautiful. i am going out to buy that magazine and very possible a copy of the photo. i love the sensuality of the photo and the fact that it is a gay man loving the beauty of the female body. that is some great art.

  • Oh, boo-hoo for Glammie. As quoted above, “In 2007, he was cast in the chorus of the national tour of Wicked and finally making enough money to support himself—about $1,800 a week. “But I was burned out on the show,” he says. “Wicked was humbling; I was an understudy. I didn’t get to go on all that much.””

    Finally making enough to support himself on $93,000 a year as an understudy? Please.

  • Love the picture. Love this man. Love his honesty. Love hearing him say “slutbag” cuz that’s totally my word! LoL I’m just in a loving mood today…