Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Woman Beaten For Sucking At Karaoke

At one point or another, we’ve all seen a karaoke version of “i Will Survive” so horrible that it made us want to punch the person on the other end of the microphone, but to actually do it? Well, that’s a different story.

Apparently one patron of a karaoke bar in Connecticut on Wednesday night performed such bad rendition of a Colombian pop song, that the audience booing her during her performance didn’t feel like enough to express their displeasure. After Leidy Alcantra exited the stage, she was punched by another female patron and then several more joined in on the smack-down leaving Alcantra with a chipped tooth and several bruises. Ouch. Six women were arrested for third-degree assault, conspiracy to commit third-degree assault and breach of the peace.

That being said, I would like to thank the patrons of Fiesta Cantina in West Hollywood for tolerating the performance of Beyonce’s Ego that my gay husband and I delivered on Wednesday. How we got out of there alive is a bigger mystery to me now than ever.

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