Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Miley Cyrus is Definitely Going To Be in Sex and the City 2


It will be a brief cameo, but still! Miley Cyrus is about to appear in a movie with the word “sex” in the title. While rumors have been circulating that Miley may have something to do with the new flick for some time, things were up in the air due to her hectic schedule. However, it’s just been confirmed that Miley will have a role in Sex and the City 2.

*Spoiler Alert*

The scene that Miley will appear in is a undetermined red carpet event that both she and Samantha attend wearing the exact. same. dress. The horrors! The gag is that Miley looks extremely hot and young compared to the aging Samantha, whose menopause was a hot topic in the first film. Mario Cantone’s character, Anthony, upon seeing Miley gasps “Mother of God:  She is wearing the same dress as Hannah Montana.” As of right now Miley doesn’t have any speaking parts, but I doubt that she’ll remain a featured extra for long.

What do I think about this development? I think it’s probably good thing for a film that’s going to already suck. As a huge fan of the series, I was mortified by the movie, which I felt more or less detracted from the message of the first show and mocked the audience. However, now that a new generation of viewers has grown to love the series via watered down TBS reruns, I’m sure Miley will help sell more tickets.

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    Seriously this sucks! I also heard that Katie Holmes is going to be in the movie as well. Did you guys hear anything? Not sure if that’s true but we did an article about it earlier this year.

    As for Miley, I don’t believe she should even come in 10 feet from that set never mind them actually casting her to have a part. DAMN HOLLYWOOD!

    • I really couldn’t agree more. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?! Hopefully if she’s in it, her scene won’t make it in the movie.

  • What kind of dress could both a woman nearly her late 50’s and a young woman in her teens possibly wear? I get that Samantha is sexy because she dresses in spite of her age, but I am tired of her dressing like she’s in her 20’s. Ropy veiny necks and arms are not attractive.

  • ps. the least they can do is to put some S-E-X in the new film.

    pps. cowboy boots and cut-offs are so passe. and remember, one’s handbag should never be bigger than one’s arse.

  • Given that the first movie made more than $400 million dollars, I don’t think they need Miley Cyrus mugging at the camera to sell more tickets.

    The world isn’t filled with only 20 year olds. It was actually interesting to watch a TV show about women in their 30s and 40s. The Golden Girls jokes are getting old, should every actress over 35 have plastic surgery until they look like Joan Rivers? I’m a little tired of seeing movies with men in their 50’s with 20 year old wives.

    If Miley is cast, I really hope she ends up on the cutting room floor.

  • Loved the series, hated the movie. The movie was 2+ hours of waiting for Big to dump Carried again. Great fashion, but the movie just cemented the fact that late 30-40 something women will eat shit for a man that dumped them numerous times over the years. And apparently Sex 2 will have the same premise.

    Ick, Hanana Montana in Sex and the City. What is this world coming too?

    • late 30-40s? wow that’s a flattering statement. those bitches are in their mid 40s-50s already. lol time to retire i think…

  • Sex and the City needs to GO AWAY. The show had definitely jumped the shark by the 5th season, and it was absolutely excrutiating to watch by the time it ended. I can’t believe they’re making a second movie after the cringefest that the first one was. This is what happens when actors become executive producers. Take a look at how cheesy Bones is now, for example. Reason? Emily Deschanel is now an executive producer. Stay in front of the camera, girls. Please!!!

  • I think it would be great to see Miley Cyrus in the movie. It would also be great if Katie Holmes would be in it also.

  • I was a little surprised that there is going to be another Sex in the City movie, only because the last one seemed pretty final. I am curious what kind of story lines will be established in the second one. It will be quite interesting, but we will have to just wait and see.

  • I am surprised that there is going to another Sex in the City movie because the first one seemed so final. It will be interesting to see what kind of story lines the writers establish for this movie. I guess we will have to wait and see.