Today's Evil Beet Gossip

It Was a Matter Of Ear, Not Beer


David Hasselhoff quite possibly might have the most optimistic publicist ever.  You’d have to be optimistic to believe that the public would buy this story, buuuuuuut here goes:  The Hoff wasn’t drunk last night; he had an “ear infection”.  Apparently, he’s on medication for his “ear infection” and had a bad reaction to it that caused dizziness and disorientation which mimicked intoxication.

I’m sure he’s telling the truth, because his daughter who called 911 is only 17.  I’ve often become confused between alcohol and Amoxicillin; it’s an easy mistake.  Weirdly, the EMTs that arrived on the scene felt that Hoff’s condition was serious enough to transport him to a local hospital.  You just never realize how dangerous inflamed ear drums can be until something like this happens.

You know, I too had a really bad, uh, “ear infection” once.  As a matter of fact, to this day I can’t even look at a bottle of Sambuca because of how badly I was “infected”.

David will be unavailable for the rest of the week due to his “jury duty” obligations.  Hoff, give your publicist a raise, ‘kay?

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’m sure she was just confused by the several bottles of vodka he’d gone through. Poor kid. It’s an easy mistake to make…

    • Some friends and I once drank tequila for three days. Of course, I was young, single and childless, so I could live through something like that and it wasn’t a total dick move as a parent.

  • Oh for God’s sake! Exhaustion, traumatic dental surgery, and now an reaction to medication for an EAR INFECTION??? Sweet baby Jesus, I used to make up better excuses in high school!! Can’t any of these people HANDLE THEIR BOOZE???

  • Yes, but why was it that when the EMT’s showed up he was laying on the floor eating Wendy’s? Very strange symptoms for someone with an ear infection.