Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Check Out Lindsay Lohan’s Voicemails

Lindsay Lohan Voicemails from on Vimeo.

Oh, Lord. So, about a year ago, Lindsay Lohan posted her phone number on her Facebook page. She only had about 100 friends at the time, but the number got into some unsavory hands. Then she made the mistake of making her voicemail password 1234. So it was really only a matter of time before someone called up and checked her voicemails. And then put them on the Internet. And that’s what we have above here.

It’s people asking for favors, complete strangers calling to tell her how much they love her and ask if she’d want to hang out some time, drunk dialers, and, the coup de grace, her father. The inimitable Michael Lohan calls several times to say hi, complain because sis Ali refuses to meet with him, and by the way he just bought a CD at the 7-11 and it has one of her tracks on it. He holds the phone up to the stereo for a good long time to prove that he’s listening to her actual music.

It’s amusing stuff, and part of me wonders if Lindsay isn’t somehow behind this herself. It all sounds just a little fishy to me, and I wouldn’t put it past Linds to pull something like this as a publicity stunt. I mean, really, does anyone actually use 1234 as their voicemail password?

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