Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jayde Nicole Lied About Joe Francis Hitting Her

81114a4_jenner_b_b-gr_02 As we told you yesterday, Playboy model and Brody Jenner's girlfriend, Jayde Nicole claimed that she was pushed to the ground and then kicked and punched by Girls Gone Wild guy Joe Francis after tossing a drink on him at Hollywood club Guys and Dolls. As it turns out, a Guys and Dolls security camera that recorded the incident has the truth. Francis DID pull her hair, but the extent of his assault was greatly exaggerated. Francis copped to his guilt on TMZ and then went on to clarify the extent...

Ivana Trump Still Looks Great

Grape Glamour Ivana Trump and her reasonably adorable beau Antonio Zechila went to a winery in France this week to partake in some touristy fun. While she was dressed more for the red carpet more than a grassy vineyard, she gave in and put on the picking gloves she was issued. She did, however, put her ring on over the pink rubber and write "Dior" on them. You have to love someone with such a campy sense of humor. [gallery] ...

The One Where I Weigh in on DJ AM’s Death

29dj6001 Molls has done a fantastic job of keeping everyone updated on the death of Adam Goldstein, aka DJ AM. I want to weigh in briefly. I know a lot of people are struggling to come to terms with his death right now. I'm one of them. I knew Adam. We weren't by any means close, but our social circles overlapped when I lived in LA, and I had the pleasure of seeing him every now and again. I know that in the coverage of his passing, the media is going to focus on the meth pipe in his apartment, and...

DJ AM Found Dead

picture-44 I was just browsing Twitter and I noticed that Shanna Moakler posted her condolences to DJ AM's family and friends. At first I thought that her account must have been hacked, but then a spin over to TMZ showed that apparently it's the awful truth. Adam Goldstein escaped death when he was in a plane crash with drummer Travis Barker last year, but this morning he was found dead in his NYC apartment. Details of the story are still developing, and we will update you with the news as it comes in. In t...

Ashton and George Are Thinking Pink

Pretty Awkward in Pink Normally I love a man in pink. Nothing shows that a guy is more secure in his manhood than a crisp pink dress shirt paired with gray slacks or khakis, but this? This is a bit overkillish. Ashton Kutcher and George Lopez shot scenes for their new flick Valentine's Day, in which the two pretend to be flower delivery men. I'm not sure if it's the hue they chose or the sheer amount of it, but something about these costumes leaves me wanting less. Much, much less. [gallery]...

Jon Gosselin Has Found The Pothead Skank Of His Dreams

FP_IMAGE_3295556/FP_SET_3294671 Oh, yay for Jon Gosselin! He's in love! Or that's what he's telling People Magazine, anyway. What we all thought was a fling with an easy lay turns out to be much more. According to Jon, not only are he and Hailey Glassman "boyfriend and girlfriend", but he's now in love with her. He said "I love Hailey. I'll always love Kate. I went through a whole bunch of pictures today, and it's sad to see something that was good turn bad but we moved in two different directions. We know that." And whi...

Sandy and Jesse Are Still Going Strong

Sandy's Sweethearts Sandra Bullock, her hunky husband Jesse James and his daughter Sunny departed from LAX on Thursday and while walking through the airport the trio hugged, held hands and seemed genuinely happy to be together. It's not often that you see photos of the trio, but when they are together they are one of the cutest families in Hollywood. [gallery]...

Former Project Runway Contestant Was Inspired By Her Time In Jail

kenley-collins New York fashion week is coming up and one presenter at this fall's show might sound familiar: Kenley Collins, former Project Runway contestant and recently jailed abuser. Yup, Kenley's back and that nutbar spoke with The Daily Beast about her new collection and didn't fail to skimp on the juicy stuff, like what the hell gave her the idea to throw water, a cat, several apples and a laptop at her sleeping ex-fiance. Kenley actually claims that the whole "throwing a cat" thing was actually way overblown and dismissed the inc...

Miley Performs For Loyal, Rain-Soaked Fans in NYC

Miley Cyrus headlined at the Today Show concert series this morning in New York and the crowd, made up of many older fans, waiting as long as a day and a half, sometimes in rainy weather, to see her. She sang four songs, and switched up the lyrics of Party in the USA to give props to Michael Jackson, someone I'm still not sure she heard of before he died.  And by the way, if you have yet to check out this amazing Miley fan video put together by some fabulous men in Fire Island recently, please do post haste....

Madonna Goes Swimming In Her Jammies

Madonna's Weird Wetsuit Madonna, her daughter Lourdes and some friends went swimming yesterday in Bucharest, Romania at their hotel pool, and I guess Madge was so comfy that she didn't even bother to change out of her PJs. Yup, that's her, swimming around in a tank top and capri-length sweatpants like the most self-conscious teenager that ever existed. To be fair, she has gotten a lot of criticism for her extremely skeletal figure lately and if she wanted to enjoy her pool time without criticism, this seems like a ...

Michael Jackson Had Worse Credit Than Me

michael-jackson-goofy We all knew Michael Jackson had a lot of financial troubles in the last years of his life. Between his insanse shopping sprees, legal and medical bills, the man's finances were just a huge mess. But, to shed some light on how bad they truly were, Michael's credit score was released today and you guys? It made me feel pretty good about myself. Jackson's credit score was 563.67, and it was reported by TMZ that it was so low for some very simple reasons A derogatory public record or collection f...

Brody Jenner Got Tased, Bro

90531a1_jenner_b_b-gr_03 For the very first time in my life, I feel sorry for Brody Jenner! Kind of! Just a little bit! And a Richard Simmons just rode by my bedroom window on a unicorn! Early this morning at Guys and Dolls (same place where Chris Brown had his post-sentencing bash), Brody Jenner's girlfriend, Playboy model Jayde Nicole, got smacked around by Joe Francis. Yeah, the Girls Gone Wild dude. Apparently Francis was coming on to a young lady a little bit too strong and Jayde, who considers this woman a friend...
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