Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Seth Rogen on Getting Snubbed by Megan Fox

Rogen was on Jimmy Kimmel last night to promote his new movie, Funny People. Amongst other things, he talked about how the first time he was on the show, Megan Fox gave him the cold shoulder. (Skip ahead to 2:20 for the condensed version. ) I'm going to add "horrible taste in men" right next to "horrible taste in tattoos" on the Megan Fox shit list....

Bryce Dallas Howard Looks the Part

Howard Gets a New Haircut and a Deeper Dye Here's someone whose IMDB popularity ranking went up 1,045% last week: Bryce Dallas Howard. Summit entertainment announced that Howard would be replacing Rachelle LeFevre in the role of Victoria in the Twilight movies, starting with Eclipse. I really liked her in The Village, but this new hairdo engenders an unreasonable amount of hatred in me. Don't get me wrong-- the deeper color and fierce bangs look great on her.  I suppose that's good for her new part (hairdo pun intended),  it's j...

Katherine Heigl Caused “Cruel” 17 Hour Workday

Katherine Heigl is a Hypocrite I never watched Grey's Anatomy, so I feel I'm sort of on the outside looking in with the whole Heigl hate train. Don't get me wrong-- I get it. But I just don't feel the fires of Heigl rage as fervently as some of you. *cough*Wendie*cough* However, I might be ready to climb aboard if she keeps giving everyone such easy reasons to dislike her (as if her new movie weren't enough). Last week, while making the talk show  rounds to promote her odiously misogynistic new film The Ugly Truth,...

Original Futurama Cast Reaches Agreement with Fox

Futurama 2008 Comic-Con Panel And now, some news that does not suck. The entire voice cast of Futurama has just signed a new contract with Fox! After weeks of stalled negotiations, Fox had announced that they would be replacing all the voice actors with a new cast. Much weeping, rending of garments, and gnashing of teeth ensued. But the studio and the actors managed to reach a compromise agreement on Friday that would see the studio paying a bit more and the actors accepting a bit less. Creators Groening and David X...
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