Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Seems To Have Forgotten Who She Is

Listless Lohan

Lindsay Lohan is usually associated with being somewhat of a camera whore, so her sheepish behavior at a shopping mall in Beverly Hills yesterday seems a little bit bizarre. I mean, this is a woman whose vagina we’ve “accidentally” seen, someone we’ve watched have a three AM brawl with her girlfriend knowing full-well that the paparazzi was recording every moment, and now she’s acting shy? Maybe Lindsay, like 90s pop star Monica, was just having “one of those days” or maybe she’s grief stricken about the passing of her friend DJ AM. Either way, this behavior is uncharacteristic.

8 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I not sure, but to me it looks like she may suffer from severe depression and could be bi-polar. Just going by past experience…. not mine…lol.

  • I sorta feel bad for her which I usually don’t – but it appears her only source of entertainment and something to do is shopping, mostly alone. What a sad life, just leaving the house by yourself to go spending money that you don’t have on things you don’t need or want. Your life is so empty of friends or interests that all you have to keep you busy is running to a mall for cheap mall clothes.

    That’s not a life.