Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Michael Jackson Had Worse Credit Than Me


We all knew Michael Jackson had a lot of financial troubles in the last years of his life. Between his insanse shopping sprees, legal and medical bills, the man’s finances were just a huge mess. But, to shed some light on how bad they truly were, Michael’s credit score was released today and you guys? It made me feel pretty good about myself.

Jackson’s credit score was 563.67, and it was reported by TMZ that it was so low for some very simple reasons

  • A derogatory public record or collection filed
  • The amount owed on delinquent accounts
  • Number of accounts with delinquency
  • Too many inquiries in the last 12 months

Seeing this, I am actually feeling kind of confident about checking my own credit score, which has been one of my greatest fears in life up until this moment. I don’t know why. I think it’s those commercials and the massive guilt trips they give me. However, Michael was able to cause so much damage based on the fact that his networth was a hell of a lot higher than the actual money he had to his name. When he passed, he left behind a little less than $700,000, which was a paltry .05% of his net worth. My net worth is one chihuahua named Wagandstuff and a laptop. I couldn’t cause Michael-levels of damage if I wanted to! Yay!

7 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Don’t use the website from the commercials!!! The only real legit and free place to check your credit is at You are entitled to one free report every year. You will have to pay for an actual score, but it’s like $5 or something like that. Totally worth it to make sure no one has opened up accounts in your name or to make sure your credit is reporting correctly.

    • LOL– I apologize. Of course I know how to spell Michael, but I’m three hours behind most of the readers and when I wake up to crank these things out, my dyslexia gets the better of me. Thank you for pointing that out– I apologize for the errors, but I do my best to go back and fix them when you let me know. Also, feel free to email me any time and let me know. :)

      • I feel like a jerk for pointing out the typo Molls :( I am a huge fan and supporter of you and ALL the lovely gals here at EB!! I totally should have just sent a private email … sorry!!

        In the past I’ve double-posted, made grammar or spelling errors myself, or just spewed venom I later regretted and I’ve emailed privately for you to save my ass and you guys always hook me up!

        My bad – typos come with the territory~! I am sorry.