Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Anne Heche is a Massive Jerk

Anne Heche visited Letterman last night and used the interview as a means to drag her ex-husband’s name through the mud. Upon being asked how her son’s father was doing, Anne responds with “Can you say lazy ass on television?”, which actually doesn’t look that bad when typed out, but when actually coming out of her mouth and coupled with the jeers from both Letterman and the audience, you really get that “Oh snap! She is so inappropriate!” vibe.

And it was completely inappropriate. She goes on to tell Letterman that he made a mistake by getting married (and I’m sure Letterman’s fairly new bride appreciates that), that her ex wants to run around in “little white shorts” playing soccer and that she really can’t be troubled to see him when he’s coaching their son’s youth soccer league. And again, it’s just so much worse coming out of her mouth than it is in print.

The truly insane thing about this, beside the fact that she’s bashing a real-life person from the comfort of Letterman’s stage, is that the person she’s bashing is the father of her child! There’s no way that mommy’s comments won’t get back to little Homer. Of course, if this is how she talks about her ex on TV, there’s no way she’s not talking to her son about his father like this. Additionally, you always know with talk shows that nearly all topics of conversation are both approved and/or discussed beforehand, so it’s not as if Letterman brought up a sore subject. I think she planned it this way and wanted to use this platform to publicly humiliate her ex, which just makes me glad that she and Ellen were over before she could do anything like this to her, too.

38 CommentsLeave a comment

    • Yeah, cause you’re totally able to put yourself in the mindset of a woman. It must be your natural compassion.

    • Once again showing your maturity level is that of a 14 year old boy. If you were any older you would realise that men and women don’t automatically agree with each other or share identical world views. You may be against females in every way that doesn’t involve pounding them dry, but thankfully, most grown-ups enjoy a common sense of humanity across genders.

  • That was quite awful of her. She’s completely batshit crazy. I wish Dave had of asked her about her cheating on the guy but I think Dave was more concerned with not getting hurt by her. She looks like she’ll cut you.

  • That could be played in divorce counseling sessions for how NOT to act after a divorce. Perhaps the ex wants to spend time with her for the sake of their son and maintaining normalcy in his life. But then, Anne is too self-centered to think outside of how it affects her.

    Poor kid. People could learn a lot from Bruce and Demi.

  • seriously ?
    I think she’s right in some kinda way.
    like she doesn’t wanna hang out with him and stuff.
    but does she have to be that awful ?

    • It’s understood that she doesn’t want to hang out with her ex… but why she thinks that that’s some kind of rare emotion that no one that’s divorced with children has to suffer from is what’s gross. That, and of course, the way she handled it.

      I fully understand that it’s not desirable to hang out with a man you divorced, but that’s also why you really have to think about who you marry and have kids with. If people thought about the fact that they will have to interact with their ex, regardless of their disinterest, because it’s good for the kid, well…I bet there wouldn’t be so many divorces. It probably wouldn’t even get far enough to need a divorce.

  • Wow, that was uncomfortable to watch! Regardless of how true any of that is, it’s just not necessary.

  • Having had my divorced parents bash each other to their children my whole childhood I know first hand how damaging and painful it is.

    • yes, my parents don’t even speak to each other because of how much hatred they have towards each other. Being a mediator between your parents when you were 14 is something you SHOULDN’T be doing and is seriously why I’m effed up in the head! (jk…lol) This lady is seriously bitter. She’s portraying him as a moocher, which may be the case, but hey that’s your fault for getting with him in the first place!

  • What a piece of shit ex. You mean he does horrible stuff like coach their sons soccer team? The nerve!

  • Well, if a guy was up there putting out the same thing, alimony check etc. it would be considered funny. it’s fairly stupid and not very funny but this is Letterman for Gods sake.

    • It would not be considered funny at all. You harpies would roast him for complaining about the ex and for complaining about having to pay child support.

  • I think she’s pathetic in the whole thing! The things she said might very well be true, but is that really something you want to talk about on national TV? She sound like she’s a 14 year old girl talking to her girlfriends about her 15 year old ex-boyfirend.
    So sad.

  • Maybe I’m wrong, but isn’t this ex the one that left his wife for her? Anyway, her little rant was totally unnecessary and obnoxious. She is nuts, and a homewrecker to boot. Ugh.

  • She’s clearly pissed about paying her ex alimony. But, c’mon guys she was on late night television. I’m sure her kid wasn’t up watching. And I seriously doubt someone in the kid’s preschool class is going to be like, “I heard what your momma said on Letterman last night”.

    I know I am in the minority, but I thought she was funny as hell.

  • News flash Anne, parents spend time with their kids instead of hiring nannies to do it for them 24/7, and courts do not view it as being lazy.
    She should have thought before she spoke, her ex can take her back to court and question her visitation because of her very public behavior and how it will impact their son, I know I would.

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  • Well, her life is been filled with horror stories of dependant mental cases she escaped from.. this ex comes with a child sharing stigma she can’t escape. I hope she gets Homer secure.. Like away from Laffoon’s lazy influence.. until he gets a decent job, makes some money and acts the responsible father.

  • This nut job shouldn’t have gotten married in the first place and then had a kid with him if she wasn’t in it for the whole nine yards. There’s too much divorce going on in this country because so many people decide to get married and then break it off for the most minuscule and shallow of reasons. As a result, we now have multiple generations of directionless, screwed up kids who grow up in broken homes and then continue the ongoing cycle self-destruction.