Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Oh Shit Ted Kennedy’s Dead


Very sad news tonight.

Sen. Ted Kennedy died shortly before midnight Tuesday at his home in Hyannis Port, Mass., at age 77.

The man known as the “liberal lion of the Senate” had fought a more than year-long battle with brain cancer, and according to his son had lived longer with the disease than his doctors expected him to.

“We’ve lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism, and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever,” the Kennedy family said in a statement. “He loved this country and devoted his life to serving it.”

Kennedy championed health care reform, working wages and equal rights in his storied career. In August, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the nation’s highest civilian honor — by President Obama. His daughter, Kara Kennedy, accepted the award on his behalf.

Damn, I’m so sorry to hear this. RIP Senator Kennedy. You will be missed.

69 CommentsLeave a comment

    • Oh wahhh wahhh wahhh. The Kennedys are a tainted family that represent everything wrong with this country, and that taint even reaches overseas; Gerry Adams, who is a member of the IRA if I recall correctly, married one of the Kennedys (to invoke the spousal privilage law that frees a person from testifying against their spouse) so that he could escape prosecution for violent acts he committed and was involved in.

      John and Robert Kennedy were no better, and were constantly surrounded by scandal.

      Eunice’s death was sad for her movement, but the rest of them are drunks and drug abusers who act with impunity because they know they can hide behind their money and name.

      For Christ’s sake, he watched someone drown in a car after he ran it off the road and into a body of water.

      You find that stand-up and respectable?

      I rarely disagree with Beet, but ‘Tedward’ Kennedy was nothing but a loudmouth alcoholic who used his political power for very shady, corrupt dealings.

      The political world is better off without him, and he nor his family deserve the Arlington plots in which the rest.

      • Right On! What a perfect summation of the worthlessness of that fucking family.

        Your right. None of that scum should be in Arlington. It is a dishonor to everyone else buried there.

        All of the Kennedy’s, past, present, and future, can rot in fucking hell and writhe in pain for eternity.

      • I agree, the Kennedys are no saints. Ted the worst. They come from a privileged elite and get away with everything, no accountability. Ted had so many girlfriends on the side his definition of fidelity was not cheating for a week. Drove his poor wife to the nuthouse, you never see that in the papers lol

  • What makes this sad is that he has most wanted to see that every American have health care that was affordable, it’s so close and he didn’t live to see that momentous vote happen. He served his country well, and suffered so many losses that most people couldn’t even comprehend, rest well, Ted. Thank you.

    • The congress will probably want to name it after this “stellar” individual, too, I would imagine. You’re right, though. The Kennedy’s certainly had their share of trouble. Karma I guess.

  • Very sad news indeed he will be missed. He had his demons but he met them head on, a rich guy for the little people is a real mensch.

  • I remember spending summers at the Cape. Every time, we would go by the compound. I was actually pregnant with my nine and a half year old daughter when John-John’s plane went down. We were staying at the Cape when it happened. Very sad times.

    • God, thank you SO much for saying this. I just woke up to this and am reading the adulations of him all over the Internet. Yes, he did a lot for Massachusetts but everywhere I read is calling him a “good man”. Really?

      • Totally agree with you. I thought he was untrustworthy and a liar. I hate to say that about a dead man, but I felt that way when he was alive. He is loved for being a Kennedy more than anything else.

      • Ted made a terrible mistake. He drove a car after a party and ended up with his car submerged and his passanger dead. His worst mistake of all was not calling for help or reporting the incident.

        While it seems he lived his next 35 or so years trying to make up for it and do good, He should have just killed himself on the spot after that. Right? I mean, making a terrible mistake that results in death makes eveything else you do in your life worthless? Is that what you honestly believe? Come on.

      • Swimming to safety as he left her there to die, not calling the authorities until her body had been discovered (and he had a chance to sober up) are huge statements about his character. Like I said, did lots of good things politically, but NOT a “good man”.

      • Damn Wendie, you are spoiling my fun. In the past I enjoyed beating on you for every little thing you said. I could only do it though if I imagined that you were a “total” idiot. Now you go ahead and say something “totally” true/smart and screw up my fantasy. That being said now I am going to have to force myself to be mean to you. Damn it! Oh well. “Happy Birthday” by the way.

        What is it with so many people these days? Everybody talks in absolutes. Someone is either utterly worthless or they are given the status of a God. Michael Jackson….oops…..Ted Kennedy did some good things (mostly for his home state) and he had his share of fuck-ups as well. My condolences to his family. There its over. We can all move on with our lives now. You watch, for the next six months cable TV is going to be infested with fucking Ted Kennedy/Kennedy family stories. If anyone out there has been thinking about going on a diet/losing weight now would be a good time to start. You are going to be so sick of the coverage and stories you will not be able to keep your food down.

      • Actually, no we didn’t. Despite Hollywood baaawwwing about how MJ was ‘misunderstood’ (how do you misunderstand giving wine to a kid under false pretenses [i.e. Jesus Juice] and inappropriate behavior like sleeping in a bed with minors) and how he was an ‘icon’, most of us Conservatives were neutral about his death. A big deal was made for someone who didn’t deserve it, just like with Ted Kennedy.

        The upside to MJ’s death is that he’s finally free of his abusive father, and lecherous family. Oh, and all the little boys in the world can rest easy knowing one more pedophile is dead.

      • You aren’t talking about me are you “Donkey Shit”? You are a fucking moron if you think any “conservative” would cry over the passing of a drug addicted, psychotic, pedophile, like MJ.

        You ramble and bitch just to try and make yourself relevant. Here is a helpful hint. Before you open your fucking mouth………have a point.

      • Had his name been anything but Kennedy, he would have spent most of the years since that incident in JAIL!

    • Thank you! Every time he’s mentioned in the news, my husband and I always follow up what’s being said with, “Oh, and remember when he killed that girl?”
      Not to knock the politician he went on to become.
      But seriously, he killed that girl.

      • Ted Kennedy is rotting in fucking hell right now! What a piece of shit from a family that was a bunch of crooked and nasty sons of bitches. At least he’s joining his brothers and father. Hopefully Rose isn’t on the pitchfork screaming at the top of her lungs. Good riddance.

  • Ted was on the PROGRESSIVE side of every major civil rights issue of the past nearly fifty years. Yes – he had a lot of things “handed’ to him, but accepted that with it comes great social responsibility. He was fierce – a great Senator and inspiration.

    Kopechne was his great contradiction.

    • Don’t forget his nephew’s drunken rape at the Kennedy compound in Florida where good ole Teddy was present at the compound and drunk as usual. Of course, they got the best justice money could buy and his nephew beat the rap, although Teddy had to testify to his inebriation in court.

  • I great contradiction that would have put us normal folk (that he fought so hard for, right) in prison.
    With having typed that….
    All human life has value, and it’s sad to see anyone pass on. And I don’t mean to ruffle any feathers. I just get sick of everyone in the media spotlight being painted as saints in death when in life they were anything but.

  • I can’t say that I’m upset to hear about his death.

    Do you people forget that he drove his secretary into a lake and watched/let her drown?

    The Kennedy’s have always disgusted me. Money can’t buy class or manners, only nice clothes and plastic surgery and vacation homes that hide what they really are; white trash.

  • The man just died. He wasn’t a saint, but i feel that people should be a little more respectful. at least wait until he’s buried before you bash him.

    • Wait before we bash him? What fun would that be? Then we couldn’t see the blood/Chappaquiddick water/vodka/embalming fluid…………

      • there’s really no point in talking to people like you. it’s clear you don’t have respect for other people.

        and honestly, all the coverages i’ve seen about kennedy include the highs and lows of his life. they aren’t treating him like a martyr.

    • Hell, he doesn’t deserve any respect. He was a pig that took advantage of the less fortunate class of people. Just like the rest of the liberals.
      Today was another bad day for the Kenedy’s, but a great day for American Liberty.

      • well, thanks for generalizing him and all liberals. tell me, did you know him personally? how can you judge him without knowing him?

      • Oh and like you knew him so well that we are supposed to accept your praise of him as truth/fact?

        If “Pat” is stupid for generalizing then so are you!

      • I never praised him. I said he had highs and lows in his life and that people should show him a little respect since he just died less than 24 hours ago.

      • You are the kind of person who makes me glad I don’t live in the US anymore. Guess what — there’s no such thing as “American” liberty. Most Western countries believe in, and practice, individualism and liberty, but don’t feel the need to a) call it their own, or b) use it as an argument against fundamental human decency.

  • “Respect”? God your a dolt.
    Read carefully asshole. What you are reading/seeing may include the “highs and lows” of his life, but what matters is at the conclusion of the coverage. What is the synopsis given that is used to define the man. That is when the bullshit starts. Instead of painting a picture of the guy (faults included) they (out of “Respect”) make it sound like the man shit sunshine. How many “Gods” do I have to acknowledge this year. Obama…Jackson…Kennedy……A couple thousand years from now some drunk fisherman in Mass. is going to discover the “Shroud Of Hyannis Port”. The Holy clothe with the image of Teds swollen, drunken face on it.

    • unlike you, when i watch and read the news, i just look at the facts they present and make my own conclusion of it. most of the coverages that i have seen highlight the death of Mary Jo, his alcoholism, his influences on congress and the many bills he has passed, and his crazy family drama. It is a good balance of all his great accomplishments and his epic failures. no one is asking you to have the same views as the news report.

      and once again, you prove my point that you have no respect for others. you can’t even argue without cursing and demeaning others.

      • Blow me asshole!…..oops

        I’m sorry. Let me try that again.

        Thank you so much “Anonymous” for highlighting my intellectual/moral/ and human inadequacies. I am so thankful I can come to a site such as this and have wonderful/perfect people like you give me guidance and direction. All of my life I have been wandering around aimlessly never having truly connected with my fellow man. Never before have I felt love or have been able to impart any myself. “Woe, was me”. Now, thanks to you, I have hope. God bless you.

  • When Eunice died I truely felt sorry as she was a wonderful person who gave so much. Ted- not so much. He was a drunken asshole who got away with Manslaughter 40 years ago proving only that in America not everybody is really equal. I find it amazing that the democratic party holds this asshole in such high esteem. I mean really aren’t they the ones that delude themselves into thinking that Kennedy “understands” the problems of the working people and works hard in their behalf. At the same time he beats a manslaughter charge, he and his family have hidden their wealth offshore to avoid paying estate taxes (and income taxes), his immigration bill is arguabaly the worst piece of legislature ever passed and the list goes on …………..! The only Kennedy that really was a good human being was Eunice who died a couple of weeks ago. Now there was somebody that deserved your praise and admiration, not this rat bastard.

    • I think it’s kinda weird how people are judging the kennedy family without knowing them. i mean, did you know eunice or ted? how can you be so sure that they were a good or bad person? after all, all the public saw was a their public persona… lol

      • I was going to reply to “Fred’s” comment, but then I scrolled down and read your idiotic remark. First of all let me say that no one truly every knows any one. Hell…most of the time you end up finding out you didn’t know shit about your own family members. The best anyone on this site can do is generalize and base their comments on what we all have heard/read.

        Eunice Kennedy Shriver was never in the papers for being an ass and she founded the Special Olympics. Oh….and she stood behind and supported her kids and even the troublesome brood of every other Kennedy.

        Oh… and our man Ted. Lets see….just to name a few….he was thrown out of Harvard for cheating….and then to top it off, he murdered a woman and did everything within his power to cover it up, and then was never man enough to admit his mistake and/or accept responsibility. We are not “judging” on hypothetical or speculative input. It is based upon truths no less/or greater than your basing your decision to run your fucking mouth.

        So….all things being equal……..shut the fuck up.

  • Ah, I’m glad you assholes took the time to shit on him before the body was even cold. As for my usual response to people that bring up the Kopechne thing: Laura Bush. He may not have been a saint, but he fought hard for what he believed in. If you can’t respect that, perhaps you should follow the ancient rule of if you have nothing nice to say, shut the fuck up.

    • Ted was in his 30s. Laura was 17.
      Ted was alone with the girl in his vehicle and the only person who could have saved her.
      Laura had a friend in her vehicle, plus the young man driving the car she hit (everyone envolved were friends).
      Ted never called the authorities, only his political aides.
      Apples and oranges.

      • Yeah. Definitely not comparable.
        His causing the accident wasn’t the bad part of this. It’s that he ran away like a little bitch and left her to die. It’s that he called his lawyer before he called for help. And he also changed his story about three times.

        I can respect a man for his politics without forgetting the truly awful things he’s done in his past.

  • He’s been living on borrowed time since he killed that girl 40 years ago. He was a drunk, a self-important boorish fool, that had no idea what was in the best interest of the American public…wow, sounds like a liberal to me.

  • Lol, all the psycho Conservatives have come out. Go crawl back under your rocks again until the topic is Obama, minorities, or non-christians.

    • Hey Donkey Shit, after your mother put her clothes back on and just before she was leaving my hotel room she asked me if I would text you and ask you to give her a call. Please do. I think its important.

  • Don’t mean to ruffle any feathers… but does anyone else think it’s ironic that, if we had the type of healthcare he advocated, there wouldn’t be enough $ to fund the kind of glioma-statistics-be-damned care he received over the last year for everyone w/ his diagnosis?

    Just wondering… I’m not saying he shouldn’t have sought the best medical care all over the country or that I don’t agree w/ Obama’s plan, etc; I’m just appreciating a little irony. Poor guy…

  • RIP Teddy,
    hope there’s booze in hell.
    Oh yeah, I forgot-
    your Dad’s a bootlegger!
    Never mind.

  • As soon as his cancer was detected, we noticed the immediate attempt at the “canonization” of old Teddy Kennedy by the mainstream media. They are saying what a “great American” he is. Let us say, let’s get a couple things clear & not twist the facts to change the real history.

    1. He was caught cheating at Harvard when he attended it. He was expelled twice, once for cheating on a test, and once for paying a classmate to cheat for him.
    2. While expelled, Kennedy enlisted in the Army, but mistakenly signed up for four years instead of two. Oops! The man can’t count to four! His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, former U.S. Ambassador to England (a step up from bootlegging liquor into the US from Canada during prohibition), pulled the necessary strings to have his enlistment shortened to two years, and to ensure that he served in Europe, not Korea , where a war was raging No preferential treatment for him! (like he charged that President Bush received).
    3. Kennedy was assigned to Paris, never advanced beyond the rank of Private, and returned to Harvard upon being discharged. Imagine a person of his “education” NEVER advancing past the rank of Private!
    4. While attending law school at the University of Virginia, he was cited for reckless driving four times, including once when he was clocked driving 90 miles per hour in a residential neighborhood with his headlights off after dark… Yet his Virginia driver’s license was never revoked. Coincidentally, he passed the bar exam in 1959. Amazing!
    5. In 1964, he was seriously injured in a plane crash and hospitalized for several months. Test results done by the hospital at the time he was admitted had shown he was legally intoxicated. The results of those tests remained a “state secret” until in the 1980’s when the report was unsealed. Didn’t hear about that from the unbiased media, did we?
    6. On July 19, 1969, Kennedy attended a party on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts . At about 11:00 PM, he borrowed his chauffeur’s keys to his Oldsmobile limousine and offered to give a ride home to Mary Jo Kopechne, a campaign worker. Leaving the island via an unlit bridge with no guard rail, Kennedy steered the car off the bridge, flipped, and fell into Poucha Pond.
    7. He swam to shore and walked back to the party passing several houses and a fire station. Two friends then returned with him to the scene of the accident. According to their later testimony, they told him what he already knew – that he was required by law to immediately report the accident to the authorities. Instead Kennedy made his way to his hotel, called his lawyer, and went to sleep. Kennedy called the police the next morning and by then the wreck had already been discovered. Before dying Kopechne had scratched at the upholstered floor above her head in the upside-down car. The Kennedy family began “calling in favors”, ensuring that any inquiry would be contained. Her corpse was whisked out-of-state to her family before an autopsy could be conducted. Further details are uncertain, but after the accident Kennedy says he repeatedly dove under the water trying to rescue Kopechne and he didn’t call police because he was in a state of shock. It is widely assumed Kennedy was drunk, and he held off calling police in hopes that his family could fix the problem overnight. Since the accident Kennedy’s “political enemies” have referred to him as the distinguished Senator from Chappaquiddick. He pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident, and was given a SUSPENDED SENTENCE OF TWO MONTHS. Kopechne’s family received a small payout from the Kennedy’s insurance policy and never sued. There was later an effort to have her body exhumed and autopsied, but her family successfully fought against this in court, and Kennedy’s family paid their attorney’s bills…. a “token of friendship”?
    8. Kennedy has held his Senate seat for more than forty years, but considering his longevity, his accomplishments seem scant. He authored or argued for legislation that ensured a variety of civil rights, increased the minimum wage in 1981, made access to health care easier for the indigent, funded Meals on Wheels for fixed-income seniors, and is widely held as the “standard-bearer for liberalism”.In his very first Senate roll he was the floor manager for the bill that turned U.S. immigration policy upside down and opened the floodgate for immigrants from third world countries..
    9. Since that time, he has been the prime instigator and author of every expansion of an increase in immigration up to and including the latest attempt to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Not to mention the pious grilling he gave the last two Supreme Court nominees, as if he was the standard bearer for the nation in matters of “what is right” What a pompous ass!
    10. He is known around Washington as a public drunk, loud, boisterous, and very disrespectful to ladies. JERK is a better description than “Great American”. “A blonde in every pond” is his motto. Let’s not allow the spin doctors to make this jerk a hero — how quickly the American public forgets what his real legacy is.


  • Thank you for taking the time to post this.

    Funny, when my parents needed Meals on Wheels,
    it was actually cheaper for them to order take-out.

    Talk about a spoiled rich kid with a sense of entitlement.
    I can never get past the slow, horrible death that Mary Jo Kopechne had to suffer. And he went home that night and went to bed! Unreal. Her parents probably never sued because back in the 60’s, people were decent, and who were going to tangle with the Kennedy’s? I am stunned by the people who are boo-hooing for this man.