Kelly told us this weekend about how Lindsay Lohan’s house had been burgled … again. Well, stalker Daddy Lohan is inserting himself into the situation getting involved.
“I am coming into town to work with private investigators in order to gather evidence which will be turned over to LAPD and the detectives assigned to the case,” Lohan told E! News.
“This time, these evildoers will be caught.”
And with Papa Lohan on the case, no one seems to have higher hopes for swift justice than, well, Papa Lohan himself, who apparently is both mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore.
“If we are fortunate, we just might find out who the culprits were from the other thefts as well,” he said.
“My children are not going to be subject to violations of this or any kind any longer. Especially when they always give to others, and it seems some of these very individuals are the ones behind these crimes.
“Dina and I are finished with this nonsense.”
Oh, to be a fly on the wall of the LAPD when Michael Lohan comes bounding into town like a modern-day Zorro, ready to assist in the investigation. Isn’t Michael Lohan … a felon? He needs to go back to helping Jon Gosselin get a pilot and stop this charade of trying to appear like he cares about his daughter.
The good news is that I expect his involvement in this to go much the same as when he vowed to have any and all druggies that were around his daughter arrested. In other words, a whole lot of hot air and absolutely no action. I just wish Dina and Michael Lohan would bottle up all this passion they have for thwarting evildoers and direct it toward getting their kid healthy.
Can’t. Stop. Laughing.
He’s channeling some George W. Bush in that statement.
I know!! I am laughing so hard right now. Evildoers! LOL.
Culprits!?! Evildoers!?! The only thing left out of that statement are the “**BIFF** **POW!** **BLAM**” at the end! Me thinks someone should fit this ass-hat for a cape and a codpiece…For his mouth…
I’m still getting over the awesomeness of seeing him on The Real Housewives of Atlanta the other night hanging out with “The Wig”.
I think what he meant to say, but couldn’t, was “my boys from the pen who I set up with this heist”.
No other parent of an actress/actor does this to their kid, he is one of several reasons Lilo can’t get a job, how can a PR or marketing department know what damage Michael Lohan will due in the press to get attention for himself? He’s a total narcissist and his need for fame and attention outweighs the harm he does and I don’t think he cares at all that he’s helping to destroy what’s left of Lindsay’s career. Father from Hell.
Dina Lohan made a similar statement to People mag. They have got to be the worst parents ever.
This guy is a fucking moron. Perfect example of how the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.
He’s such a tool. How does he even make money for his penny-loafers and mock-neck shirts?
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