Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Pops Out Her Third Young Republican


Elisabeth Hasselbeck has finally given birth to her third child with husband Tim, another son, named Isaiah.

Hasselbeck, who’s seemingly been pregnant for the last five years, welcomed her newest edition with her husband of seven years yesterday in New York City. “Elisabeth and Isaiah are doing great and we’re excited about the addition of another baby boy into our family”, Tim said in an interview that was later publshed on the ABC blog.

While I suppose I can’t cause too much fuss over a baby, I do find it somewhat bittersweet that there’s another member of one America’s most outspoken right-wing familiies. I can only imagine that this baby is nestled in his crib under an Anne Coulter mobile and that his first word will have something to do with second amendment rights.

26 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Maybe when he is 17, him and his brother will be deployed to Iraq and fight a war that his parents are so supportive of.

  • “another son named Isaiah.”

    When I first read that I thought it meant that she already has a son named Isaiah…Isaiah 1 and Isaiah 2 :)

  • Yeah, it should read “another son, named Isaiah.”

    Anyway. Hopefully their kids will have healthy rebellions and come out of it none too scarred :).

    • ^too funny. What is with the grammar police on EB lately?
      Congratulations to the Hasselbeck family. You never know~My parents are hardcore OC Republicans and I’m a very liberal Democrat .As are my brother and sister. What I’m trying to say is we turned out completely normal despite our upbringing. We just don’t bring up politics at family gathering!

    • Well, EB writers are writers, it’s their job to write properly. They should do just that.

      Also, pointing something out doesn’t make one a Nazi.

  • Good for her, the voice of reason for morning TV. And I figured she didn’t have 2 kids named Isaiah.

  • Republicans should be neutered. The planet would be better off and America would be less likely to destroy itself (and all their neighbours with them)

      • Sigh, another uneducated American who thinks I made a spelling mistake with “neighbour”. Learn something about the world and get back to me.

      • How about America doesn’t care what you think, you self righteous smug M.F- get over it. I knew you were foregin by your spelling of “Neighbour”; that is what I was pointing out. It is you who is uneducated to assume no one is the U.S would get that.
        Save your political commentary for the Fox or CNN blog. In case you forgot where you were, this is a celeb blog.

  • I thought this was a celebrity gossip site, not a political blog. Many of us come here for some mindless escapism, not to argue political ideology. Instead of focusing on the things that divide us, let’s talk about the things that unite us: crotch shots, nip slips, celebrity sex tapes, Beet, and Wendie (not necessarily in that order). : )

  • Congrats to her and her family. Why so inteolerant of Republicans? At least she looks a hell of a lot better than her cohosts, even when pregnant!

  • Dude it looks really bad for people when they criticize family’s for being republican. There are just as many outspoken democrats. All hardcore political people are super annoying.

  • So instead of the little boy one day looking at the plastic covered learning sheet “Auntie Whoopi” gave him and seeing the “Liberal” lessons on how to spend others money and amass an insane deficit, he’ll be looking at the one given by “Uncle Hannity” and will soon be able to recite all the handgun and rifle calibers like any decent “Conservative”.


  • elizabeth isn’t hated because she’s republican. she’s hated because she’s a preachy, self righteous, misinformed bitch. i could not watch the view during the election because of her.


    The reason I can’t stand EH:

    1. She’s woefully uninformed about the world in general
    2. She supports a conservative agenda without any knowledge of what that agenda truly is.
    3. She’s blindly religious, and closed minded about it.
    4. She’s incapable of releasing a point, even when she’s wrong.
    5. Her speech at the RNC was nasty, but then again, she was at the RNC, what did I expect?
    6. She screams over other people to get her points across and when it doesn’t work CRIES.

  • Those are the exact points why “conservatives” hate “liberals”. We are all guilty of the same bullshit. The sooner everyone realizes that the sooner we may all one day get along.