Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Can Everyone Please Start Watching 30 Rock?

30 Rock is only the best show on television, yet has almost been cancelled due to low ratings.  My friend John who writes at BLOG! For Your Life has been kind enough to take on the dubious task of stalking Alec Baldwin’s personal blog as a means to keep me updated on the best show on television.

I’m pretty sure that the show is back on the air in October and starts filming by the end of this month.  But here’s the best news:  If you didn’t start out watching 30 Rock, you can now catch it in reruns as they just landed a syndication deal.  Personally, I think you can jump into 30 Rock at any episode and just start watching — it isn’t an epic like Lost or an intricate plot line like Mad Men (a show I regret not watching from Day 1), but if you are one of those people who needs to do the start to finish thing, you’ll be able to.  30 Rock needs more viewers — won’t you help?

And for the hell of it, because I don’t feel like reporting about Michael Jackson’s estate court hearing crap, can we have a little Werewolf Bar Mitzvah?

24 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Watched a little bit of it, didn’t find it funny, and didn’t watch any more.

    Just like the rest of North America.

    • All the more reason for me to keep watching it. You SCTV nerds always make me realize what experts you Canadians are when it comes to comedy.

  • It’s one of those shows that I would think I would love, but I just haven’t been able to get into it on a regular basis for some reason. I can’t figure it out. I definitely don’t think it is the best show on TV, sorry. Mad Men takes the cake for me!

    As far as comedies go, I’ve been watching PARTY DOWN on Netflix recently because I don’t get Starz and I must say that I think that show is the best comedy on TV right now :)

  • I’m honestly shocked when I find out that there are people out there not watching this show.

    And thanks for getting “Werewolf Bar Mitzvah” stuck in my head. Again.

  • I love love LOVE 30 Rock. It is the best show on television. I just never have time to watch it. So I go online to watch it when I get the time. You know, they never have the good shows on in the summer. Its always in the fall when I have no time to watch. Its very frustrating.

  • ok…umm…I think the reason 30 rock is failing is because…it’s NOT funny. Let’s take a look at the “actors” in the show
    Tina Fey plays a character that acts like…Tina Fey…not funny
    Alec Baldwin plays a character that acts like Alec Baldwin would act if he did not have any inhibitions, oh wait he doesn’t….not funny (even though I know it gets the little man all hot and bothered that he is somehow relevant outside of liberal nutjob circles for a limited time)
    and then there’s Tracy Morgan-who plays a character that acts the EXACT same way he does in EVERY SNL skit EVER…funny for the first 3 episodes and then just annoying..
    Yeah…this show is so full of fail that it had many little fails and those fails were adopted by the Academy because they love failing so much they nominated a movie about gay cowboys for best picture…they wish they could just quit the fail haha.
    Basically….anyone who doesn’t hug trees and has a sense of humor beyond parodies of Palin and Alec Baldwin stroking his ego would rather watch something better than this smoldering pile of fecal matter infused with little bits of corn and hippie flavored fail.
    Bye kiddies

  • undoubtedly my favorite show, alec baldwin and kenneth the page are genius. LOVEEE THIS SHYTT

  • It’s kind of funny that everyone either loves or hates 30 Rock. I definitely think it is one of the funniest shows on TV right now. There have been a couple of episodes that weren’t very funny (probably about 5 in the last 3 seasons) so maybe all the people who hate it happened to watch one of the few bad episodes? It’s a great show regardless and I’ll be so upset if it gets canceled.

  • I friggin’ love this show. Tina Fey is brilliant, but my favourite character is Jack — Alec Baldwin is brilliant. Can’t fault it. The whole ensemble cast is fantastic. Love Elaine Stritch as Colleen Donaghy.

  • seriously it’s at risk of being cancelled?!
    this will be Arrested Development all over again!

    I love Tina Fey. Relatable.

  • 30 Rock is THE BOSS – easily one of the funniest and sharpest comedies going around at the moment. It makes me laugh even when i’m not watching it. I mean, hello, literally ~95% of the dialogue is embedded with comedic brilliance here… i don’t get how some people don’t get it. I feel sorry for them :( Please give this one a go guys, seriously! And Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin = magic.