Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kate Gosselin Removes Wedding Ring, Universe Implodes

FP_IMAGE_3205084/FP_SET_3203969 I'd like very much to think that I have somehow escaped the majority of this Gosselin madness, and while my ignorance throughout most of this story has indeed been quite blissful, I still was all "DAMN!" when I saw Kate was finally photographed sans-ring yesterday. While her ex has been gallivanting around France and NYC with any skankalank he can get his Ed Hardy-covered body next to, poor Kate has seemingly been doing the exact opposite: staying at home with their eight children, taking the e...

Team Griffin Says No On H8

Team Griffin [Image via ONTD] Kathy Griffin, mother Maggie and assistants Tom and Tiffany (who is looking quite svelte these days, I might add) were photographed yesterday for photographer Adam Bouska's extremely popular No On H8 series, which supports gay marriage and equal rights for all. Griffin is just one of many celebrities to take part in this campaign and we're surprised she didn't join in sooner, as everyone from former MTV VJ Dave Holmes to washed up "actress" Tara Reid have posed for Bouska. Check out some o...

Carrie Prejean Does Impression of Your Drunk Mother On Karaoke Night

Carrie Prejean \'Sings With Bing\' Before we get into it, let me just assure you that I will most likely never mention the name "Carrie Prejean" here again. But this is too good to pass up, so just this once. Probably. Unless she does something really buckwild again. Yesterday, former Miss California and notorious nutjob Carrie Prejean (Am I the only one who calls her "Carrie Beforejean" in my head?) took to the "stage" at Del Mar Race Track in SoCal for their traditional "Sing With Bing"...

The Day I Realized That Bradley Cooper Is Probably Gay

Bradley Cooper Oh, Coop. I have to admit, there's not much that I know about you. You were pretty funny in Wedding Crashers. I know you did that show Kitchen Confidential. I saw The Hangover and I thought you kinda seemed like a dickhead, but I enjoyed your performance anyway. I think you're a pretty solid actor, to be honest. But here's the thing: You're slipping on your real-life game. Ya see, a lot of people out there are starting to speculate that you're pulling a Gyllenhaal. Cute guy, not ready to come ...

Kim Zolciak: Pretty Much Just Like Jesus (In That She’s Very, Very Famous)

EVILBEET_90111a1_zolciak_k_b-gr_01 Kim Zolciak. What a mess. Normally I'd say, "you've gotta love this bitch. She's crazy!", but no. No you don't have to love her. Lady's mental. If it wasn't her weepy tale at last season's Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion show in which she claimed she wore wigs because she once waited at Chilis to find out whether or not she had cancer (which she did not), than it's got to be her comments made during a recent interview regarding her "fame" that really put the final nail in the coffin. Or glu...

Note from Management

Hello my loves! Just a quick little FYI about a change in the roster around here. Kelly will, per her request, be gracing us with her special brand of comedic genius only every other weekend. I know, I know. I'm bummed about it too, but I'm very grateful she wants to stay on board and continue to write for you guys while she pursues other careers and, ya know, a social life, which can be hard to have when you work seven days a week. But here's the really awesome news: On the weekends Kelly's not around, I'm really really really excited to announce that we'll have the fabulous Molly McAleer on board -- starting tomorrow. I will let her do a formal introduction herself tomorrow when she starts, but I will tell you guys that I have been a big fan of Molly since her days on Defamer, and have followed her personal blog, and have watched some amazing episodes of her web show. I think it was about a year ago that I started to beg her to come work for me, and I finally got her to say yes! She's also been doing video pieces over on our sister site, Zelda Lily. I'm really looking forward to reading Molly's posts. I know she's extremely creative and insightful and funny, and I suspect it'll be a blast. But, per usual guys, please be nice. It's her first weekend. />Hello my loves! Just a quick little FYI about a change in the roster around here. Kelly will, per her request, be gracing us with her special brand of comedic genius only every other weekend. I know, I know. I'm bummed about it too, but I'm very grateful she wants to stay on board and continue to write for you guys while she pursues other careers and, ya know, a social life, which can be hard to have when you work seven days a week. But here's the really awesome news: On the weekends Kelly's...

It Seems Like I Write Cat Cora Baby Announcements All. The. Time.

57359530catcora724200943239pm This morning, I read that Iron Chef's Cat Cora had a baby.  My initial reaction:  "Wait.  How did she do that?  Didn't she just have a baby three months ago?"  I just feel like I'm always reporting that Cat has given birth to a boy. As it turns out, Cat's wife, Jennifer gave birth to Cat's biological son, Thatcher Julius, in April.  Cat gave birth to a boy that I believe is her wife's biological son, Nash Lemuel Cora, at the end of last week.   Nash joins, in addition to Thatcher, older brothers Zoran and Caje.  I have no idea which kid is biologically linked to ...

As Acting Offers Dry Up, Lindsay Enrolls In Job Training Program

90724p1_lohan_b-gr_09 Last night Lindsay showed up at Millions of Milkshakes in L.A.   Perez Hilton was somewhere in the swarm, Twittering that Lindsay actually tipped off the paps that she would be there.  Which, you know, I'm sure that's true, but she looked so shocked by the crowd when she arrived.  I'm starting to think LL does have some acting talent, after all. As the pictures show, the first thing the owner did was slap an apron on Linds who was basically sans bra and in a nightgown.  They went about...

Tennis Champ and Wife Welcome Twins

57847125rogerfederer724200931449pm Okay, so the #1 ranked tennis player in the world, Roger Federer and his new wife Mirka attended a post-tournament party a couple weeks back and I saw this picture of the two of them.  I almost posted it along with posing the question:  "If Roger Federer's wife is only expecting one baby, why does it look like her ass is ready to give birth to a kid all its own?"  I figured it was too mean -- I have a soft spot for the preggos -- but I was right on the money!  Should've listened to my insti...

Katy Perry Makes a Dicey Wardrobe Choice

16879611katyperry724200923742pm That was the worst headline ever and you all should totally be giving the finger to your monitors.  Right.  Now.  I deserve it.  But, it's Friday and it's a slow news day, Katy Perry has crazy eyes and I'm only human. Pictures of Katy Perry this morning -- Witness my restraint.  I'm not saying that she took a gamble by wearing that atrocious dress and I'm not saying that it looks like crap(s) -- performing outside the Today Show studios and admiring some plastic bananas.  Katy Perry. Â...

Kendra Wilkinson to Pen Biography, Expected to Sell Tens

57760565kendrawilkinson724200915539pm Kendra Wilkinson has a book deal.  Just let that sink in. Kendra Wilkinson has, in a complete stroke of genius, found yet another way to extend what should have been 22 seconds of fame into another business venture.  "I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.  I have a husband I adore, a baby on the way, and now my memoir is going to be published!" She should feel like the luckiest girl in the world.  It just isn't that easy to land a book deal.  It takes a very specific combination of talent, marketability (and in Kendra's c...
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