Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Brooke Hogan “Sings”

Brooke Hogan performed a song from her Redemption album, “Hey, Yo” on Good Day NY this morning.  I must say, I’m disappointed in that I thought it was going to be so much worse than it was.  It did seem like she was having a little timing/rhythm issue, but overall she wasn’t half as atrocious as I’d been hoping.  I feel a little disillusioned, actually.  I think it helped that she wasn’t singing alone — she had Colby O’Donis to carry her and to drown out her vocals with his guitar.

Of course then I watched this brief behind-the scenes-interview and was relieved to see that she’s still the same bagel-scarfin’ ho she always has been.

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I didn’t think it was bad either…but did anyone notice Brookie got some COLLAGEN? lol. Nice lips…

  • yeah..except her voice is awful and forced??? i’m disappointed in and ashamed for anyone who wasn’t really annoyed by the fact that someone has given her a chance to sing in public.

    • i agree–her tone is bad–but that’s like a hallmark of pop stardom at this point. her pitch and rhythm are fine. whatever.

  • I really don’t think that without her famous father she would even be recording this. Would she make it on AI?…Would she make it on AGT?…Could she have landed a recording contract on her voice alone?
    OH and the horrible fake picture of her on the CD cover is trashy.

  • And…I just want to say it takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there and do your stuff in front of the world. I applaud her for that.

  • Why would ANYBODY buy any of his music? Maybe after his sex change op is finished he might sound better.

  • i totally noticed those fat new lips!!! not a good look…her mouth is like a bass….and made worse by the colagen! but i think the performance was actually alright….it is not so easy to pull off an acoustic song first thing in the morning. actually i was thinking she was going to pull a britney and have the headphone mic dancing around and lipsynching…so i have to give her credit for actually SINGING…and singing pretty well.

  • WHO signed this woman!?
    Her voice is HORRIFIC and the song is actually so catchy and I wanted to like it really bad but it was painful.

    • Yes, yes it is.
      You could listen to the track on your iPod in a hermetically sealed box at the bottom of the Mariana trench, but I strongly suggest you repent afterwards. A few Hail Mary’s and some volunteer work at a homeless shelter would probably suffice.