Today's Evil Beet Gossip

You Didn’t Think You Were Going To Make It One Whole Day Without A Michael Jackson Story, Did You?


I promise you, it’s short, sweet and doesn’t involve any lawsuits.  Yet.

TMZ has uncovered a recording of  a song titled “A Place With No Name”.  It was recorded by Michael Jackson in the past few years.  Now, if you don’t have speakers, or you’re at work and can’t listen to this track right now, it’s America’s “Horse With No Name” but with different lyrics.

Take a listen here and by all means, let me know what you think!

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • America is one of my favorite bands, and I thought it a was a really creative new spin on the old classic. I don’t think Michael could have made a bad song… but that’s just my opinion.

    Also, and this is not related to the thread, but sometimes the site won’t allow me to read or send comments. I click on the main screen to see them, and it just loads and loads, then eventually crashes. Is it just me and this dinosaur that I’m working with, or do you other Beeties have the same issue?

  • “take me to a place without no name”…. doesn’t that mean a place with a name??

    otherwise, seems pretty average from the short snippet that played

  • I’d take a daily Michael Jackson story over a daily Lindsay Lohan story any day. The one good thing about Beet barely writing here anymore is that that talentless, unattractive former actress isn’t mentioned every other fucking post anymore.

  • Guess everyone’s seen the gross photos of all the sores on MJ’s legs? That guy was a walking scab. I bet he scared the shit out of his kids.