Today's Evil Beet Gossip

What Is Mickey Rourke Doing?

Mickey Rourke


Now that Mickey Rourke has rebounded and is probably somewhat flush again, it seems he’s throwing some of his newly-earned cash at his plastic surgeon … though I do find it near impossible that he’s actually paying someone to do this to his face.

Back in the ’80s, there was a show called Beauty and the Beast starring Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton.  Just from the title you can probably figure out the plot.  In a greatly abridged nutshell, Vincent the man-beast falls in love with Catherine the beauty and society doesn’t understand.

If you’re failing to see the connection, it is this:  Why is Mickey Rourke’s plastic surgeon turning him into Vincent the man-beast?

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I just wish he’d do something with his hair. Like shave it and start over. Yeesh.

  • What a pity that Mickey chose allowed for his mug to get f***ed six ways to Sunday like that. Before all of the surgery he had pretty nice facial features, and I think if he’d just allowed himself to age gracefully his career opportunities would have much broader in scope than they were over the past several years. But I guess when you’re vain to the point of delusion, there’s just no helping you. He can now join the club along with Darryl Hannah, Nicole Kidman, and Joan Van Ark.

  • His face got smashed when he was boxing professionally for a few years, that’s why he needed the surgery, not to try to erase wrinkles.

    • Orly, I was just getting ready to post that! Glad you did. He was prettyhot in 9 1/2 Weeks !

  • Surgery aside, whatever Micky Rourke is doing, it apparently does not involve the use of soap and water. The man looks as if he has not been in the vicinity of a shower in about a year. For those of you who think he was hot in 9 1/2 weeks, check out his film debut in Body Heat. It was not a large role, but he was both riveting and memorable.