Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Still Going Strong!


While Paris Hilton’s “true love” relationships seem to have a shelf life of six months, lil’ sis Nicky has been quietly and steadily dating David Katzenberg for nearly two years. Which is, as it turns out, a more effective way to prove that your love is the real thing than wearing a t-shirt that says so.

Nicky and David spent time frolicking on the beach in Malibu together this weekend.

2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I used to like her until I read about her standing outside a club with him laughing at all the people who couldn’t get in. If they were just ordinary people getting rejected, that’s just mean.

    • Well, if that is true, then she needs to take a look in the full length mirror so she can get a good laugh out of her chicken legs.