Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Baby’s First Trip to the Kabbalah Centre!


Welcome to your new life, little Mercy!

Madonna took her new baby girl, along with her four other children — Rocco, Lourdes, David and Jesus Luz — to the Kabbalah Centre in London on the 4th of July. Luckily there were a bunch of nannies there, so Madonna didn’t have to actually carry or tend to any of the children. I wonder which nanny changes Jesus’s diapers?

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • The nanny that changes Jesus’s diapers? I think it was the chick Judas was dating.

  • you know, I never paid attention to the hype about this man-arm hysteria around madonna. I don’t know if I just never saw the right picture from the right angle, or if I just never wanted to accept it because of my love for her 80s songs… but this. That vein is just too much to take.

  • Can you PLEASE read your own site. I dont know how you call this “Baby’s first trip” when kelly already posted an article about madonna taking mercy to the center about a week ago. Is it that hard to type “madonna” into the search bar before you write a story?

  • When the ad with Bruno holding the baby pops up, it looks like Madonna is eye balling him as if she just spotted her new adoption victim.