Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Joss Stone’s Freedom Is Worth Millions To Her

57494247jossstone612009114750am-1 When an artist records a song titled "Free Me" and it's directed towards her record label, it may be time to part ways. Joss Stone is the latest in a long line of artists who is trying to get away from the EMI label.  Rolling Stones, Radiohead and Supergrass have all exited since the company was purchased by an investment firm in 2007.  The moral:  Bankers become bankers because they aren't artistic.  Bankers shouldn't be in the music business.  Duh. Stone has offered to give up a...

Does Anyone Need A Bed?

kategosselinbikini While Kate Gosselin was at a North Carolina resort with her nanny and eight kids, the brother of the chick Jon (allegedly!) slept with, figured out a new way to make some cash. Jason Hummel, the guy who was all too willing to tell the media the tale of how he overheard his sister having sex with Jon Gosselin, wants to sell the bed, also known as "scene of the crime," on Ebay.  After the media frenzy, Jason's sister Deanna moved out, leaving her queen-sized bed behind.  He's curious to ...

Staged Or Real?

Last night Sacha Baron Cohen's alter ego, Bruno, introduced his balls to Eminem's face at the MTV Movie Awards.    Em, who didn't seem too thrilled about the meet and greet,  made a hasty, dramatic and expletive-filled exit (after his bodyguards had an opportunity to bat Bruno around a bit).Seriously?  So staged!...
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