Today's Evil Beet Gossip

ZOMG You Guys Kate Gosselin Spanked Leah!



Paparazzi captured some footage of Kate Gosselin spanking daughter Leah. It hit the Internet tonight. This should give the Gosselin’s some of that publicity they’ve been so sorely lacking.

I know I should be outraged or something, but at this point I’m just so over being mean to Kate Gosselin. The story’s been overplayed, like that Flo Rida track about a girl going down. (Is anyone else so over that song?) I’m just ready for the media hype to die down and for these kids to get a little peace and quiet in the midst of their parents’ divorce. I know that’s not going to happen anytime soon, but pics like this don’t help. I mean, really, what were you thinking doing this in public, Kate? What did you think was going to happen?

You can watch a snippet of the video from The Insider‘s teaser here.

79 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I hate that spanking is a crime now. I got spanked as a child, and it worked as a form of discipline (the evidence for this being that I only got spanked a few times) without scarring or traumatizing me for life. Granted, there are other ways for parents to get their points across, but when you’re dealing with super-brats what’s wrong with a little swat now and then?

    • Agreed! However I do think spanking should be kept in your home. I still can’t help but cringe when I see someone openly whacking their kid in public.

      • I agree with that. The best way to traumatize a child is to humiliate them by punishing them in public, whether it’s verbally or physically.

      • I prefer a kid being spanked for being a brat, than a kid just being a brat. Everyone makes such a big deal out of this, when it really isn’t… Kids need discipline, otherwise they end up becoming obnoxious teenagers (or adults in some cases), who completely ignore their parents and annoy the rest of the world.
        You don’t have to spank them every single time they misbehave… one time, at the right moment is all it takes, before the behavior you don’t want escalates.

  • It’s like they make it out so if you spank your kid, you’re pretty much turning them into a future child abuser. I was spanked as a kid, and now I’m a PACIFIST! Sheesh, stop treating kids like they’re made of glass.

  • See how the spanking works down the generations, you got hit so you think its totally fine to hit your own child. So freakin’ sad!

    It is the same thing as a man hitting his wife. It is never ever ok to hit another human being. Even worse when that human is in a depending relation to you.

    I hope it wasnt you who wrote the piece on Zelda Lily BEET, you go on and on about how wrong it is for a man to hit a woman but you think its ok to hit a child?

    • Its different because a husband isn’t “the boss” of his wife and its not his job to raise her to be a responsible adult. But it is the parent’s job to raise their children and the parents have to teach their kids right from wrong. Some parents choose different ways to discipline their kids, some choose to spank them. Who are you to decide which way is ok? As long as its only a spank to show them who’s “boss”, I think its fine. Just don’t beat them.

      • Im sure there is plenty of wifebeating husbands out there who would say it is their job.

        and teaching a child right from wrong by hitting them… What does that teach the child?

      • Well, they’re wrong. And I would be on your side of that arguement.

        It teaches them that they have to listen or thier parents will spank them.
        Spanking a child doen’t teach him/her to be violent.

      • My mom used to spank me, HARD. Then one day I started hitting her back. I do believe the spanking turned me into a somewhat violent child- although I’m not violent today. It sucked being spanked. I love my mom, but she was abused as a child and spanking me was second nature in terms of discipline. I believe we should learn other forms of discipline before resorting to smacking.

  • For all those who will say Leah deserved this, let me just say….LEAH NEVER ASKED to be part of a fricking REALITY TV show! Normal is nothing she will ever see thanks to her parents.

    • Her being on tv has nothing to do with her being naughty and getting spanked. I have two children. I got the belt when I was young, I learned pretty quickly that if I didn’t listen to my parents, I would be in trouble. My kids get spanked when it’s called for. Too many children out there are not being made responsible for their actions. There are parents out there who are pretty much raising thugs. My kids will listen tp us when told to do something. They’re super smart, polite and respectful. If I have to spank them sometimes, I spank them.

  • spanking is sooo….yesterday!
    it just shows lack of education and common sense.
    spanking does NOT work to discipline a child – this has been proven over and over and over again.

    just because your parents did it – doesn’t make it right.

    sadly, many, many, many people — TOO many — do not know the difference between “light” spanking and beatings – just like they don’t “get” that these kids are being exploited and forced to work in the worst possible way.
    There are sooooooo many alternatives to spanking — why in the world would anyone ever do it?
    Have we not evolved as a human race from hitting a little child?
    The only thing it does is make a twisted parent feel better — getting out their aggression. WRONG!

    If this is what she does knowing full well cameras are trained on her – just imagine what is going on inside that house of horrors.

    I don’t know what else people want to happen — a kid die because of this wicked witch? There have been multiple videos and pictures of her grabbing her kids (just like in this picture — the grabbing looks very violent to me – can’t wait to see the subpoenaed videotape — as the poor kids were being forced to work for the tlc cameras — again), denying her child water (not like she was asking for a hostess cupcake – just some G** D****** Water!!!!!!), threatening with the “red spoon” and yelling at the top of her lungs — what else needs to happen before someone steps in to protect those children?
    Not to mention all the mental manipulation.
    I’m so sick of this!

    • I know that it has been proven that spanking doesn’t work. I was in psychology and we talked about that. But then why did it work for me and tons of other people? Its kind of hard to believe something when personal experience shows otherwise.

      Also, you can’t really say spanking is wrong. Its a form of discipline and parents are allowed to discipline their children however they want, as long as their not abusing them.

      And you’re being way to hard on Kate. I agree that the kids are being exploited, but the kids aren’t forced to work for the camaras. Their living their lives and the camaras are there to record it.
      We’ve discussed the water issue. Maddy was being a whinny kid and there wasn’t enough time to give her water because then everyone would want water. Granted, Kate shouldn’t have drank in front of them, and that was a mistake on her part. Sure, she’s not perfect. It’s hard raising 8 kids, especially when 6 of them are all the same age. But she’s not a “wicked witch”. She just needs to cut back on when the camaras can be there and some help with the kids.

    • give me a break…clearly you do not have kids…
      A swift smack to the bottom is not child abuse, and to say the a kid might die? your out of your mind…and you obviously are one of the many american idiots who believes everything they read and then goes on to point a sanctimonious finger at people they dont know.
      Get a life

      • Agreed joon! I was going to say the same thing…clearly someone without children!

        I SWORE I would never spank my children…and then I gave birth to the most stubborn child of all time. Time outs didn’t work. Taking away all toys/tv for a week didn’t help. He has been spanked a few times and so far it has been more effective then trying to reason with him.

  • Giving the child a little spank is not the same as beating them up. That’s how you teach discipline sometimes!
    plus, the woman has 8 kids, give her a break!

  • What’s the difference between this woman and her kids and any other family who disciplines with a spanking? Media coverage. People will jump on any old bandwagon they feel like, and ride it til it dies. Pretty soon this will get old.

  • yeah. im not an idiot. spanking is no big deal. it is a quick way to get a point across. i think people who make a huge deal out of a fucking spanking are just stupid, there is a difference between a disciplinary spanking and beating. in my book, some things warrant a spanking, get over this shit. as long as the kid isnt showing any signs of abuse like bruising..ect.

  • oh lord, make it end, just make them go away. I’m genuinely feeling bad for everyone involved. I start to lose my mind when my mother in law is scrutinizing my parenting skills, but to have the whole world do it? and i know, she made her bed, she gotta lie in it, but still. I feel icky about it all now. I honestly don;t know where i stand on spanking, I’m not passionate about either side(spank/don’t spank). What i think is that kids are more out of control and there seems to be more of a lack of respect out there than when i grew up and i’m not that old. Is the big push to not spank part of this?

    and yes beet, that song is driving me absolutely bugfuck, along with every other remake on the radio…and Katie Perry.

  • For God’s sake. It does not equate to no smacking = saintly good parent, smacking = evil, child-abusing parent raising their kid to be a sociopath. You can see in the woman’s face that she is clearly calm and collected, and that is not a big smack, she’s not on some crazy I-want-to-hurt-my-kids spree. When you are charged with teaching a human being how to become a good person, negative reinforcement as well as positive reinforcement is just good parenting. Otherwise, the child grows up unbalanced and a brat. There is quite clearly a big, bold line between good parenting and child abuse and if people can’t see the difference then they really need to wake up and stop lumping things into black and white.

  • I could not care less if Kate spanks her kids. What I am interested in is her response to the media coverage and possible backlash because of this “spanking incident”. Kate is always right, and Jon isn’t around to blame. How will she respond? Did Kate resort to spanking because Jon’s irresponsible behavior has caused such stress that her own perfect parenting is suffering? I am looking forward to Kate’s response with great anticipation.

  • Kate Goesslin is a fame whore and everyones worst nightmare- Shes white trash with money She is selfish and egocentric and the children are Money making pawns If i hear one more time its for the kids I will throw up. When they are old enough to see on film how you treated others and your husband over and over again in mean and cruel ways Im sure most of your children will be estranged from you . Uh and hey KAte- You dont HIT people and you especialy dont HIT children you moron!!

  • Wow. I can’t believe people are defending spanking as a way of raising a child.
    Unbalanced and a brat? No one ever spanked me when I was a child, and I turned out very balanced and not a brat! I guess my parents must be bad parents since they did not use this method while raising me.

    The whole “it’s not abuse as long as I don’t hurt them” is such a lie. It is a form of abuse. it is YOU showing the child how YOU feel. what about them?
    What if someone started spanking you while you begged them no? Or pulled your hair? Is it ok to do that to a grown person? no! Is it ok to do it to a child? NO! It’s very disrespectful. Show your kids some respect. Talk to them. And if that doesn’t work just let them be, until they are ready to listen. They are just like us who have grown up, we don’t need anyone to be physical with us just to get a point across and neither do they.

    • “Spanking” while being begged to stop or pulling hair is absolutely NOT what’s being discussed. Proper spanking doesn’t involve any of what you’re talking about. Of everyone on here who’s said, “I got spanked as a child”, none of them is saying that they are still so heartbroken over what their parents did, etc. It works for some and not for others, if you don’t like it, don’t do it but we don’t need to judge how everyone else raises their kids. It’s not abuse.

    • Here is why that isn’t always valid.

      When I was little I was playing in my front yard and had run out into the street several times to get a ball. My mom had verbally corrected me and probably taken the ball away or given me a short time out (I don’t remember which it was) and I kept doing it.
      Running into the street where there may have been traffic was an immediate danger. I got spanked and you can bet your ass I stopped doing it.
      “Talk to them or Let them be until they’re ready to listen.” We’re not talking about 13 yr olds here who are able to reason. Sometimes younger children need immediate and strong correction for their own safety.

    • “Parents who do spank aren’t necessarily bad parents” does not equate to “parents who don’t spank are bad parents”, FYI. You must just understand that when you spank a child, you don’t do it in some anger-crazed, whirl of emotions to the point where the child is injured and you are turning into a maniac. There is no joy in smacking a child other than in the knowledge that you are setting foundations for good future behaviour, and it goes without saying that smacking a child should only ever be used a form of (serious) punishment, for actions that would have been life-endangering for the child or that are seriously out of line.

      Children are very, very different to adults. This is why there are separate branches of psychology for adults and children. Their minds work differently. One of the big differences is that you can’t reason with young children. I was smacked a few times when I was young, I was always told exactly why I was being smacked, and my parents were always very calm and I knew that I had done wrong and thus would be punished. That is how a child is reared properly. Child does wrong –> child is punished –> child does not do wrong again. Equally, child does right –> child is rewarded –> child does right again.

    • “Talk to them. And if that doesn’t work just let them be, until they are ready to listen. ”

      Jeez, clearly you have no experience with children under the age of ten. You think you can reason with a kindergartner?

      • I work with children aged 1-5. I would never spank them. I have never seen a child get spanked, so of course I do not understand why someone would do it. but this picture doesn’t look like anything I would want a child to endure for having done something wrong. It is not a normal way of disciplining your children in my country as it seems to be in yours.

      • I am a big fan of the show and i would not think that Kate would do that especially to Leah I wonder what she to make Kate so mad I am shock maybe is because the DIVORCE is making her go crazy

  • I honestly think it depends on the child and on the parents. I have 4 kids and I spanked a couple of them a couple times when they were too young to reason with and were doing something that was wildly innappropriate – like trying to run away down a busy street. The other two never seemed to need that strong a correction.

    There are different dynamics in different households as well as personalities to deal with. Spanking obviously has worked for a lot of people and maybe not for others. What that means is that **it works for some and not others**!! There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. Abuse is universally wrong, spanking is not abuse. As long as it’s delivered calmly as a correction, not out of rage.

  • Kate is a child abuser considering her history of bashing her children, emotionally, mentally and physically on camera. If that is not a child abuser then I do not know what is.

    Kate is a cunt, enough said.

  • I don’t think spanking a child is a big deal. I was spanked, so were my brothers and sisters, and I spanked my child. We have not had to have therapy, and we haven’t killed anyone. We love our parents and our children love us, and they don’t act like hellions and they respect adults.

  • There is a wide, wide line between spanking and child abuse. And though MANY people are claiming they never got spanked, I’m sure as a toddler you got a whack or two and don’t even remember it. I know I got popped (always over the diaper or on the back of the hand, the sound got me more than the feel) when I would run into the road or run to the hot oven like it was the mecca. And would you guess? I never did those things again.

    From what my mother has told me, I only got spanked about 3 times as a kid, but the threat was real enough that I never misbehaved. And I can tell you even now as a young adult I’d rather have my boss give me a quick swat and have it over with, than the emotional turmoil of being read the riot act.

  • Kate and Jon are pieces of shit. They live off of their children and when CLAIM that it is for the children. My husband and I have 2 small children and we work our asses off so that our kids and have everything they need. Kate is a bitch whose only claim to fame is that she was fertilized with 6 embryos. She is so gross she could not get pregnant the old-fashioned way, because her stupid husband cannot stand her. I really wish that TLC will stop with the show and these 2 assholes will forever be out of the media spot light. I only hope that the kids come out o.k. from living with 2 huge assholes are so long.

    • WTF?? Infertility is caused by being gross? Or does being infertile make you gross?
      Either way what you’re saying is fucking stupid. I’m just wondering HOW fucking stupid you are.

  • I know I have called Kate and Jon fame whores in the past, but what I really think we’re watching is what happens to normal people who are put into the spotlight. I remember when Amber Frey was to testify against Scott Peterson and she had her hair done and her nails done and a new wardrobe to fit with the constant media scrutiny.

    I don’t think either of these two are evil, I think they got in way over their heads, let pseudo-celebrity inflate their heads, and now they’re dealing with the other side of American celebrity which is where the media tears them down.

    A swat on the bottom is not abuse, it’s just not.

  • no, she shouldn’t have done this in public just because of the way so many people freak out about it. but honestly? those kids probably need some spanking. on the show they always get “time out” which doesn’t really do much for little kids. it works sometimes, but not all the time. spanking, if done correctly, is a good disciplinary tool for kids. of course, kate looks really angry in these pictures, which isn’t good. it’s not good to spank your kids when you’re angry, but it doesn’t mean that spanking is a form of child abuse either way. and of course leah looks upset, you always get upset when you’re getting in trouble, but that doesn’t mean she’s getting actually hurt.

  • I don’t agree with spanking a child because I remember how I felt when I was spanked by my parents: angry, confused, and humiliated. Perhaps, it is the reasoning behind the spanking and the emotional state of the parent that makes the difference. My parents (mainly my mother) would use coporal punishment for every little thing she felt I did wrong. Also, she would fly into a rage and spank me with little control over her emotions. I’m afraid that this might be the case with Gosselin children. Witnesses have said Leah was spanked for blowing a whistle while Kate was trying to talk on her cell phone. They were outside. I don’t think a child blowing a whistle while outdoors is deserving of a punishment. Kate could have walked away to continue her conversation or taken the whistle. Problem solved. It has been reported that Kate frequently spanks her children and not just with ther hand. For the pro-spankers out there, please follow some common sense. Don’t spank out of anger or frustration and NEVER spank your child in public. Those were always the most humiliating and the ones I remember most clearly. Honestly, though, there are better ways to discipline a child. I’m not sure how anyone can look at Leah’s face in these photos and think that this is okay.

    On a side note, why does Kate have that stupid pink cell phone permanetly attached to her lately? Who the hell is so important to be talking or texting all day? Kate, put down your effing cell phone and parent your children properly!!

  • Sorry, one more comment in response to Vicki’s “she spanked her child at their home. Not a big deal.”

    I think the big deal is that this is not a normal home. At the time of this spanking there were numerous people around including cameramen and crew for their show, the bodyguards, nannies and helpers and of course the paparazzi who Kate obviously knew were there. This was not a private spanking in someone’s home. This was a spanking that Kate should have known would be watched by others and caught on film and then plastered on the cover of every tabloid. She is always going on about how she does the show because it captures family memories. Well, I am sure this is one family memory that Leah would have liked to have forgotten, but now never will. I can not even imagine what having one of the spankings I received as a child broadcast to millions would have done to my psyche.
    As I mentionned in my previous comment, the spankings that I received as child that happened in public were always the most humiliating, and even thought Leah’s spanking may have happened on their property, it was definitly not private. In fact, it may go down as one of the most public spankings ever recorded. That to me is a very big deal.

    • Every kid needs a good whack now and then. A lot of the one’s telling horror stories about how they ‘felt’ when they got whacked sound like granola munching tree huggers to me. I have 3 kids. My oldest is almost 12 and no longer requires any sort of spankings. My younger ones are 5 and 6 and still need a whack once in a while. Spanking is a last resort, and always should remain as such. For everyone that is saying spankings in america is illegal, I have to add this in as well. My children’s school sends home a letter at the beginning of every year asking for permission to preform corporal punishment. Its up to the parent to make the decision. THIS IS A PUBLIC SCHOOL. I knew that would be the next question on everyone’s lips. Spankings are NOT illegal in the United States..there are guidlines to corporal punishment.
      A lot of people these days think that they should be their kids best friends. My view is that your children should have one hundred percent RESPECT for their parents. Whatever sort of relationship you have with your kids, respect should be at the core of it. If that means once in a while you have to give them a whack on the behind because they deserve it, then DO it.

  • I was spanked and it worked. I was an awful kid and I deserved the spankings, and I turned out to be a pretty good kid. All the kids I know that were never spanked ended up being really self destructive teenagers who were never disciplined. I hate the new “perfect mommy’s” who would never spank their children and have little terrors running around. The worst part is when they pretend their terrors are “cute” for what they’re doing. Working as a cashier and seeing children destroy the store is awful. Parents never do anything about it. “Isn’t so cute how tommy is running around pushing every item of the shelf??” There was a girl who came in and demanded that her mom buy her a stuffed animal and when she refused and told her she was leaving without her (popular tactic) the girl ripped off the tags and ran out of the store, she was maybe 5. I think people are too critical of how other people parent. Unless you are a DIFYS officer MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, let the professionals decide what’s abuse.

  • This is sooooooo stupid. In my opinion spanking does work, it worked on me. Everyone just needs to get the fuck over it, it is not a big deal. Most of the people who feel spanking is wrong ( ex: oprah) are the ones without any kids. Obviosly the little girl is being overdramatic- all kids are like that. Plus, most spankings are just pats, and does not compare in anyway to beating the child.

  • I have 2 kids and I can tell you that you can tell the difference between kids that have been spanked and those that haven’t. Kids that are spanked are the worst behaved brats I have ever seen. They are school yard bullies and they misbehave so badly.

    The kids that aren’t spanked are much nicer and better behaved.

      • Keep telling yourself that while you abuse your kids.

        Spanking has a very negative affect on kids. Where on earth do you think school yard bullies learn it from?

      • maybe someone should spank you for all of your typo’s, yunno or punch you in the mouth, I’m up for either.

      • NOW I get it…YOU were the one bullied in the schoolyard..
        I understand maybe you are trying to find a reason for
        what you went thru, but could it be you were just as big a looser when you were little as you are now?
        (no excuse for bullying, its awful)
        But a spank on the ass does not a bully make!

      • “loser” not “looser”. Sheesh.

        I am surprised you didn’t say I was beat by my parents or some other insult relating to them.

        Oh wait. That might prove my point about kids who are beat turn out to be dickheads ;)

    • It makes a difference on HOW the spanking is used as discipline. If a kid is spanked randomly and constantly, then they will not understand what warrants a spank and assumes they will get spanked no matter what, so they might as well misbehave. If spanking is used sparingly as a behavior deterrent and it is discussed with the child what they are doing wrong, then I think it works.

    • This coming from a guy who’s name on this site is “Donkey Punch”…brilliant. The irony!

  • For every person who says they were spanked and turned out fine there is another person who says they were spanked and did not turn out great. It all depends on the circumstance and the kid. I was a very sensitive child who was spanked very frequently and I still remember the feelings of humiliation and anger. I would not take the chance with my child, because we can not predict how spanking may or not effect them in the future. Stop telling people to get the fuck over it, because another person’s experience can be very different from your own. There are other effective ways to discipline without resorting to violence. I use them with my kids and they work.

  • Is she’s going to spank someone it should be that demon child Mady! I would like to see her beat with a spoon! lol

  • I agree with the people comparing this to womens abuse. It’s still abuse, and it is wrong. The difference would be, that an adult could defend themselves, and a child couldn’t, which, in my head, makes it even worse to hit a child. I don’t understand why people complains so much about womens abuse and then turn around and do it to their children. I just don’t get it. And when it is done in public is way worse for the kid, as well, because it’s hulimiating. So i really hope someone does something about this. And you know what’s even worse for Kate? the fact that she keeps doing shit that makes her look bad, instead of trying to look good, the water thing with Mady, and now this, is not gonna help when the divorce comes, and she could lose way more than just her money and “fame”.

    • The key difference in this debate is that your husband, boyfriend, whatever, is absolutely NOT charged with teaching you right from wrong, protecting you from yourself, or any other thing a parent is supposed to do.
      The relationships, and what is expected of both parties, is completely different. They are completely unrelated.

      It’s considered a precursor to abuse if your partner starts telling you what you can wear, who you can see and when you can leave the house. Those are all things that parents do with their children.

      Also, spanking is not what happens to women who are being abused. Shoving, slapping, punching and other violent outbursts are what happens to abused women. It’s also what happens to abused children.
      There is a fundamental difference between spanking and violent outbursts that end in child abuse.

      That being said, I think spanking children as a form of punishment shows a lack of creativity.

  • “Proper spanking”…?
    Apparently there is a proper and appropriate way to use violence as an easy way to teach your child to fear you…
    It comes down to two simple things in my view- You’re lazy and unwilling to take the time and effort to explain behavior and choice to your kid.
    Or- You’re ignorant and simply use the approach your own parents used on you, thinking you turned out so wonderful and well-adjusted hitting kids really must work!!
    Hitting is violent whether you have a smile or a frown on your face.
    My child is seven now and has never been hit. He earns every privilege he gets, earns his own money doing chores, excels in school, sports and socially.
    There must be a fundamental difference in the way people see their children because I can’t see my relationship with him being enriched in any way by hitting him- even if I did it “properly”…

  • Everybody spanks their kids…there is nothing wrong with that…but Kate is the WORST mother as all of America has seen. She exploits those kids for her own selfish wants, needs and desires. She is an embarrassment to women and especially mothers! TLC needs to pull the plug on her BS excuse of a life, because she is just causing more and more trauma to her kids on a daily basis! Shame on everybody involved and I hope those kids wise up and cut her hair off in the middle of the night!!! :)

  • i think that all kids deserve a quick reality check. I was spanked as a child, and I can’t even imagine my hethen children without a spanking reality check every once in a while. Kudos to kate, don’t let them turn into spoiled bratty child stars… keep them in line!

  • I think I got spanked as a child two or three times (pretty lightly though) but unlike a lot of people on here, I would never condone it. My parents decided to punish me in a more respectable manner…children don’t learn anything from spanking except that, later in life, it’ll probably be ok for them to do the same thing. My reason for disliking spanking so much comes from an incident I witnessed as a teenager. I was driving down the highway with my friend when i noticed a car a little ways down veer off the side of the road onto the shoulder. The woman driving the car got out and ran over to the passneger side door where she pulled a young boy out of the car. She then proceeded to spank him over and over again really hard as he was crying…RIGHT ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. Cars were driving past and blaring their horns at her and I actually wish I had gotten out of my car to stop her, that’s how bad it was. Now that is some bad motherfucking parenting.

    It doesn’t solve anything and I think it’s lazy parenting at that. Is it a HUGE deal that Kate got caught spanking her child once? Not exactly since it seems that everyone grew up like that. But to do it in public when your parenting skills have already been questioned by the public? STUPID. Kate Gosselin is a fucking idiot and seeing those photos reminded me of that day I was driving.

  • I’m not saying that Kate is a bad person, but there are other more effective ways to discipline, and since I have three children who are now grown up, and are good people, and I’ve never laid a finger on them, I think that I can say that.

    I was spanked as a child and I really resented my mother for it and had a lot of respect for my father who never touched me. I swore that I would never spank my children, and I’m proud to say I never did. There were times when I wanted to because my youngest son was very difficult, but I’m glad that I didn’t and he’s fourteen, and a really good kid. As a matter of fact, he gets into a lot less trouble then his friends who “were” smacked!

  • omg kate spanked her daughter at there home.please.its not like she was out at the local mall beating her kids in the car.i was spanked as a child and looking back i deserved them.i think it made me a better person as a teen.i never got in trouble with the law or treated my parents with disrespect.i see kids now who dont get spanked and they are such rotten kids i want to spank there parents,or beat them is more like it.christ people.i hate jon also.because of his examples his sons will grow up to be worthless men and his daughters will marry worthless men.they say girls marry men like there fathers.hopefully kate will find a real man to set real examples for her kids.

  • every child needs a spank now nd again buh it is different from a beating datz wat sme ppl dnt no they say spanking is child abuse it isint beating is child abuse everychild needs a spank or theyll think they can gt away wid everything and become spoilt BRATZ and give her a break shez a single mother wid 8 kids
    nd yu ppl need 2 start noing WAT CHILD ABUSE IZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

  • i am a 13 year old boy that gets spanked by my mom and dad and i want to say thank you yo them for spanking me when i deserve it and thank you to all the parents who choose to spank their kids and teaching them right from wrong good going kate