Today's Evil Beet Gossip

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Rihanna out and about on the streets of New York City, running errands in her gorilla dress.

26 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I don’t care how gorgeous she is (and she is beautiful), she can NOT get away with that dress. That’s hideous.

  • There are no words expressive enough to describe this fashion victim. Wait, “victim” implies Rihanna is not responsible for this dreadful look, and surely she is! At least her makeup is toned down to an inoffensive level. Everything else, (the hair, the gold chain, the thick-chained purse strap…or leash?, the stupidass tshirt dress) are unfabulously rank.


    i have my caption:

    This is either support for PETA gone wrong, or damning evidence in the case that Rihanna failed Fashion 101 and wouldn’t know “cool” if it bit her in the….

    • Wow, dolce, you just blew my mind. I will never use the term “fashion victim” again because you’re right, they were responsible for wearing the ugly clothes.

      Thank you.

      P.S. for the record, none of that was sarcasm, I just never broke that phrase down before.

  • Maybe Rihanna is really really hungry, or has anger management issues?

    I am trying too hard to find some rational explanation for this visual atrocity!

  • WHATEVER! It’s not something I would necc. wear, but Ri-Ri can rock just about anything (and I bet she had some badass shoes on too). I NEVER look this fabulous out running errands. In fact, most of us probably look more like the image ON the dress! LOL! She gets a pass on this one. Do your thang, girlie!

  • HUH??!? What do you mean I am wearing Ho-Lan’s design peek-a-boo Va-jine-U collection upside down!?

  • Okay, I don’t care WHAT she’s wearing…that HAIR.MUST.GO! She’s a gorgeous girl…but that freaking hair…

    • Agreed.

      I’m writing this extra part because the system told me just writing “agreed” was too short a comment.

  • She looks awesome!!! With that body this girl can wear ANYTHING!!

    firsttimecaller is right I bet nobody here looks as good as she does.

  • She looks awesome!!! With that body this girl can wear ANYTHING!!

    firsttimecaller is right I bet nobody here looks as good as she does.

    Hideous? I think not

    • you heard me: hideous.

      and since you called it, i’m pretty fine myself. it seems you and firsttimecaller would feel better about yourselves if those who disagree with you were ugly or had no style.

      i respect your opinion, but i disagree strongly with it.

      and who here doesn’t think beyonce and rihanna have heavy knees that would look best out of sight? i am not impressed with their young untoned pear-shaped thick-kneed figures.

      • LOL! I wasn’t insulting ANYONE who doesn’t agree I’m just not hating on her. My comment was not directed at anyones post except the MAIN post. Unlike your own. Most people DON”T look like that running errands and the comment about the image was a joke. Lighten up! …or did it hit a personal nerve? Hmmm…

  • You people are soo funny and such P***y’s.

    I can only think of one reason why an empowered “Black Woman” would wear a freaking dress witha picture of a big honking monkey on it! She is making a statement and daring anyone to say anything…

    Good God hold me back! Racial Slur anyone?

    If Big Mama were to wear a dress with a cracker on the front of she would be rediculed till her eyes began to bleed!

  • The girl is beautiful but as far as style goes, she misses everytime. Her hair is always some hideous lesbian/80s mess and her clothes are always hideous, on and off-stage. The only thing she’s ever kind of good at is shoes.