Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lindsay Lohan Responds to Dr. Drew

Lohan in London

Earlier in the week, Dr. Drew Pinsky– who has become famous by failing to “treat” every single strung out celebrity that’s ever been under his reality TV “care”– spouted off about Lindsay Lohan in an interview with Parade Magazine, saying that he thought it might take losing a limb to scare Lindsay into honest to god rehabilitation.

Well, Linds wasn’t going to take that one lying down, which is weird because she takes most things lying down– pills, alcohol, men and women.

Lindsay responded to the comments on her Twitter page, quipping, “I thought REAL doctors talked to patients in offices behind closed doors. Am I wrong? Hmmmmm. I think NOT. Yay!”

She has a point. But it’s hard to take anyone seriously when they end an argument with “Yay”… or leave their labia hanging out on public display.

14 CommentsLeave a comment

  • >Andi says:
    >June 7, 2009 at 1:04 pm

    >She’s not his patient.

    Seconded. Linds, I know it’s hard to focus when you’re coming to the sickening realization that a wardrobe consisting of leggings only eliminates any possibility that a friend who borrows your pants might leave some coke in the pockets, but if he isn’t your doctor, and you aren’t his patient, confidentiality rules don’t apply.

  • That girl is a mess. If she keeps going like this, she’ll be able to compete with Winehouse for who’s most likely to die from a substance-abuse-related cause within the next six months.

  • Her nose looks really weird too… I hope she gets her shiz together real soon. As much fun it may be to the papz, I hate to see people acting and looking like crap…

  • If she isn’t careful she’s going to end up with that permanently bad skin and weird jaw thing that happens to long time meth users.

  • My mind is scarred after seeing her labia slip. Maybe she just has a huge vagina that’s always busting out… but you don’t see men letting their’s hang out easy breezy. That’s called indecent exposure. Why can’t they arrest her for the same thing?