Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Where In The World Is Brittany Murphy’s Career?


Come to think of it, where in the world is Brittany Murphy’s talent?  Good question and obviously one that the producers of the movie The Expendables were asking as well.  Murphy had landed a fairly substantial role, playing the girlfriend of Mickey Rourke’s character but her part has been written out.  This was supposed to be her comeback role.

And just for giggles, Merriam-Webster’s definition of “expendable” is as follows:  more easily or economically replaced than rescued. 

Oh, Brittany.  The writing wasn’t just on the wall, it was right on the front of your copy of the script.

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  • Things certainly went down hill when she married that criminal dope fiend. I am so sad for her, she is a terrific actress. Only so many chances and then you lose your career.

  • … well … ya ‘DON’T ‘SAY’… Britt got DUMPED from an’OTHER’ *flick*… *tsk… *tsk*…

    … some ‘DEAD’ “career”-re”Em”nimating Advice for Britt…

    … GO to REHAB.. GET A DIVORCE from *SKUM-jack*… GET SOME PSYCHOlogical “Help” for Your “issues” … oh YA… NO MORE “appearing in” RAUNCHY/RANCID/WH0RE-ible/nudity-“Em”FESTED flicks* either… NO MORE “being” “Em”CESSed WITH (OR SHILLING FOR) *that cRapper CRETIN aka the now-PUBLICLY BUTT-FACED “Emma M”* … MATTER OF
    “FACT”… ‘LOSE’ *him*…NOW…

    … and Oh YA… then WORK ON Your Music CD… then Thank Me.

    … ‘NUFF SAID…

  • what?

    Brittany Murphy always grossed me out. She always looks like she needs a shower.

  • i watched her on tv for some lifetime movie (or one of those channels) for about 5 mins in the beginning…horrible acting. she should probably stick to doing those tv movies. i still hate her acting in clueless.

  • … *Alzaetia* = a Third World Country-originated venereal disease that “Em”fects the “female” TW@T…. ewwww… as “in”: “Wha? U gotz dat Alzaetia ‘gain, woh-man? Pour sum bleech n’ ioDINE on dat sh!zzle, beotch!”

    ….*onesizefitsmost TROLL* = *MooMoo-wearing/ILLITERATE COW*.

    …. and GET OVER *IT*… *you no-“life”/DISEASED LOSERS*… and I KNOW *you post @ Entertainment Lawyer’s blog… same pathetic “WH0RE-tney “Love”* “comment” too…

    … Oh YA… “Em”cidentally, I read on Facebook that Britt’s up in ORE-E-GONe now.. “filming Her *POINTLESS/RAUNCHY/RANCID ‘WICKED’ flick*. Apparently She was “sick” the ‘OTHER’ day and *that flick’s
    “crew”* had to “blow out” a half-day of *filming* due to Her *illness*… ya She was “sick” alright – SICK in Her “Head” from “doing” *DRUGS* and likely SICK FROM “giving *head* and ‘BLOW’ing *the flick crew* the “night before”… WH0RE.

    … Give *it* UP Britt… I *PWN* You. GO TO REHAB. GET A DIVORCE… WORK ON Your CD… ‘NUFF SAID.

  • she went from dating Ashton Kutcher (having somewhat of a career and some credibility) to a criminal’s wife and no career. Wtf!? did she have one of those breakdowns like Britney Spears which caused her to completely flip her life upside down? that’s what I wanna know ! haha