Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Your Daily … Paris?


Ummmm I think I speak for all of us when I say “WHERE THE HELL IS LINDSAY LOHAN???”

Pictures of the starlet have been exceedingly rare these days. It’s really, really starting to bother me. I look forward every day to the new pics of Lindsay and/or Samantha, and it’s been depressing lately when I check the photo agencies and all they have is pics of Paris and Douche. Seriously, I’m sparing you guys from the worst of it. There are like 500 new pics of these two every single day now. It’s nauseating. They’re currently in NYC promoting Paris’s latest BFF show. Paris filmed Letterman today. I’m sure it was fascinating.


16 CommentsLeave a comment

  • No offense meant Beet, but I have found myself checking in way more when you aren’t posting Lohan. It is a welcome reprieve.

  • I wanna punch her is the face. I’ve become a violent person from Paris over-load!!! HELP!

    • Hahahahaha!

      I hate those stupid headbands. Even my favorite teengirl/singer Taylor Swift has started wearing them.

      I really had assumed Paris had to wear them since her hair was attached to it.

      But there is no sound reason for Taylor Swift to be caught dead with one on her beautiful hair.

  • Has Paris’s bulemia finally robbed her of the ability to stand up by herself? Tragic, she looks like a tard with these new “poses” she’s working, honestly brain damaged people stand and move more normally than she does.

  • no daily paris.

    also her hands are such a different color then her arms.
    self tanner fail.

  • I went home for lunch yesterday and she was on The View. I loved that she was on for only thirty seconds before ABC had a special news interruption for Obama’s speech regarding the GM bankruptcy. I was dying of laughter that the bitch got cut off. Thank you ABC!

  • we all know that dbag is only with her for the fame and drugs. don’t you think she’d see right through that? i wonder if there’s something she gets in return, besides more diseases.

    i actually totally forgot about lohan until you mentioned it! maybe it’s good that she’s not in the tabs much anymore, since she’s working on that movie. well, i’m sure you’ll see her again when it’s release time!

  • I’m strangely obsessed with Lindsay Lohan and her trainwreck life. I’m not sure if I want her to succeed or fail at this point. I think succeed. So I’ll be watching and waiting for more Daily Lohan. Seeing Paris Hilton makes me itch. I didn’t know you could get crabs from a visual but evidently you can.

  • lindsey vs paris……

    i vote lindsey. i just think she is prettier, and even skinnier then she has ever been, she has a better body, she can act, and sing. also her extensions look natural as opposed to paris’ wig wearing lookin self