Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Katharine McPhee Finds A Way To Dodge TMZ

I don’t know if I’d call American Idolloser Katharine McPhee a celebrity, but I guess she still garners some level of media attention.  And like all washed-up has-beens, she’s doing infomercials.  McPhee plugs a great anti-pap device.


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  • I miss Katharine McPhee…anything that gets her out there to look at is good with me!!

  • …and why is that? Is it that she is a beautiful girl with a beautiful voice who hasn’t done anything negative to get herself in the media spotlight? Is it her loyalty to her longtime boyfriend, now-husband, before and after the fame of American Idol? Why would you say something so idiotic…did she personally do something to you? You’re just a catty bitch, I would conclude…

  • lmao this i hillarious, i’d love to meet that woman, Quween, that is.. She’s fucking hillarious..