Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton Takes Bathroom Door Sign Too Literally


In their continuing practice of being as offensive as possible, Paris and her boyfriend tried having sex in a bathroom this weekend which resulted in them getting kicked off a yacht.

It all started when Elton John’s husband, David Furnish invited Paris Hilton and Doug Reinhardt to a party being held on a friend’s yacht.  That act alone shows some serious bad judgment on the part of Furnish but it pales in comparison to the trashtastic duo.  The couple arrived and were immediately inappropriate.  Like every other public appearance they make, they immediately started making out, groping each other and sticking their tongues down each other’s throats.

That just wasn’t enough attention whoring.  They proceeded downstairs to a bathroom where things escalated before they were interrupted.  The captain was informed of what was going on and had them kicked off the still docked ship.  Yes!

In fairness to Paris, she’s a simple thing.  She was on a boat, saw a door that had a sign on it that read “head” and obediently proceeded.  She’s really not to blame.

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