Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jon and Kate Season Premiere Teaser: Separate Interviews!


I think Kate Gosselin’s next book needs to be called Separate Couches. Because that’s the thing that stands out most in this teaser for their season premiere. No matter how badly Kate and Jon hated each other before, they always did their interviews sitting together on a couch, even though their body language indicated that they wanted to be far, far away from one another.

For the season premiere, they’re totes being interviewed separately. They won’t even sit on a couch next to each other! Ouch!

“The world isn’t about ratings and TV. It’s about happiness and love and companionship and God,” Jon tells the camera. “And, you know, I think we all get caught up in everything. Too much of anything is bad. Because I love my kids, I love my family and that’s what it is … Kate and I obviously have been going through a lot of stuff and discussing what’s best for our kids. What we said in the beginning — it’s a crazy life, but it’s our life — that’s so true.”

I hope VH1 is already talking to Jon about doing Jon Minus Nine. I’m thinking some manner of Rock of Love-style dating show. Except instead of knowing all the lyrics to “Every Rose Has Its Thorn,” the girls will have to name and spell all his children. I, for one, will be tuning in, if not competing.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I hope they’ll be happy.
    And that she gets a new haircut. It’s so ugly. I want to be her husband just so I can brake up with her because of that hair!

    • Obviously, they should give up the “reality” show- There is NO reality to it anymore…STOP BEING GREEDY

    • I so agree that hair is about to drive me nuts. She is so flippin vain that if she bends over it blinds her. Get over yourself Kate and get a haircut!!!!!!

  • So I just LOVE how he says
    “…I love my kids, I love my family and that’s what it is..”

    There is NO I love my wife in there. OUCH!

  • Oh man,
    Now I have a whole new reason to want them to break up.
    His reality show would be AMAZING.

    I’d be a guaranteed viewer.

  • I can only be happy about this new development. Their interviews were starting to make my stomach hurt.
    It was like watching a couple have an ugly fight in public. Every week.

  • No, his new show would have to be Jon minus Kate. They would have to find a new always happy mommy to fill Kate’s place. Except that would never happen because all the contestant would turn into mega bitches or have nervous break downs trying to look after 8 young children all the time.

      • Down Syndrome kids are sometimes called ‘mongoloid’ (by assholes, ironically) because one aspect of the condition is facial features that on some level appear Asian. I kind of thought that the only people that didn’t know this were the ones that had it.

  • What is up with Jon’s EYES?!? those are contacts right? cuz they make him look like he should be in thriller…..

  • Dr Phil will come on board and organize a show to get his ratings up and help Jon and Kates ratings. I hope they don’t send Kate to Robyns cosmetic surgeon. Though she could do with a new hairstyle.

    Dr Phil could help Cate with her controlling behaviour, she is a bully.

  • I really did not see this one coming. But now that its here, justice
    needs to be served. Take the show off the air along with seventeen and counting, what a bunch of total crap

  • I am hoping for the Jon minus Kate show; Bravo would be an excellent network for this. It could show Kate going ballistic when it’s his week to pick up all 8 nose-pickers, her non-stop phone call to the bachelor pad, “Jon!!! Helloo!!! Are you watching them?!!!” What a great meltdown of a show! Please oh please oh pleae Bravo, if you are listening!
    And the kids, yes, I think they are retarted too! Or autistic. But Kate would never copy to any of it because it would destroy the image of her “perfect world.” Get ready Kate…it is all collapsing around you beyotch! What a miserable shrew of a woman.

  • I think this was the obvious outcome of a marriage dominated by a control freak like Kate. I know that her stress comes from being a mom of 8, but no right to treat Jon as a puppet, giving him orders. I think that she thinks she is a celebrity or a star or a super-mom. Just the way she talks as if she is the perfect woman who knows all and has all the answers. I am sad for him since he really loves his kids, but how can he tolerate a woman like that.
    They have been very greedy, and have lost their marriage for keeping the show. With the money they have know they should hire 5 nannys or more and only then they will be more relaxed and work on their relationship. But they betther “have their crazy love” so it can be aired on TV, get paid for it… no matter if their marriage falls into the cracks.

    She is very annoying and controlling, she needs a spiritual counsellor and a therapist to get rid of her “all-knowing” personality.

  • I feel terrible for Jon and the children. When Jon didn’t want to do another season she was so demanding that another would be done, in other words she was saying to Jon, I don’t care one bit how you or the kids feel. Just to think in the very beging of this show this Kate nightmare now said that she couldn’t stand being away from their children for a weekend and knoww all this thing does is travel around the country signing books and mking peple pay for a damn photograph. Cut the show, it is not the adults money it is the children’s. I can’t stand her, that show makes me nervous with her crabbing continually. The kids are terrified of getting dirty they think they are ruined if they do it is sad for the kids really sad. Let it be Jon plus 8 and kick that crab to the curb. If Jon is having an affair with a teacher I will guarantee you that she is kind and caring. Kate is thew biggest crab I have seen. She acts like a dictator. She thinks she is gods gift to the world. Far From it Kate. Just get lost. Get your hair styled normal also. But a hateful human being will always be just that, a Hateful human being. Love, Jon and the kids, but I feel so bad for them to have that thing around continiually crabbing. nini

  • I understand why Kate is crabby. She needs a nanny or two so that she and Jon can spend their time being helpmates to each other and no those children are not retarded-they know too much about their surroundings. I only had two children and they drove me up the wall a lot of time. There were many times that after they were in bed I would ask my husband to please talk to me on an adult level. Kate is a very c aring mother who needs to loosen up.

  • I totally feel for the Gosselin family. From my perspective, Kate is totally engrossed with the celebrity fast lane life and Jon just wants his family in tack. I truly believe that they need to end the show so they (Jon and Kate) can get back in touch with each other and work on their marriage. They both keep saying they are doing what’s best for the children-bull!! Kate is doing what she thinks is best for her. When you look at her expressions, reactions and her speaking, she is truly enjoying the lime light on just her. Well to quote Kate-“HELLO”, it’s not all about Kate, it’s about Jon and their 8 children too. I love their show, but it is time to end it and work on what’s truly important, their marriage and their family. There is no possible way to shield those precious children from what they are tearing apart, so wake up Jon and Kate, step up and give it to the Lord and he will find a way. No, I am not saying it is all Kate, a marriage is 50/50 and it takes both of them treating each other with respect, kindness, trust, courtesy and love. Jon and Kate have lost that along the way and I truly believe it is still there, they just have to work to find it.