Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hayden Panettiere Wants You To Abstain From Sex. I Think.


Earlier this week Marin talked over on Zelda Lily about Bristol Palin’s new abstinence initiative.  She has joined with the Candie’s Foundation along with, and prepare for hysterical laughter here, Hayden Panettiere to talk about the only 100% effective form of birth control:  abstinence.

I started reading up on this Candie’s Foundation and I must tell you, I’m more confused than ever.  I think they promote abstinence but then Hayden was quoted as saying, “There’s a lot of different viewpoints on sex, and I’m not someone who will ever boo-hoo anything or say, ‘This is not right,’ or, ‘This is wrong.  You’re going to do what you’re going to do, but at the end of the day, it’s okay as long as you educate yourself, as long as you’re safe, as long as you’re smart.  It’s a topic that’s not talked about enough.”

So there you are ladies!  Straight from the mouth of Hayden Pantyline.  Do whatever you want, it’s okay!  I’m so relieved…I wouldn’t want Hayden boo-hooing my choices.  What an idiot!  Oh, and speaking of faking abstinence, Hayden was recently overheard talking about David Duchovny’s sex addiction woes and said to a friend, “Well if I had to be addicted to something, it would be sex!”

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I like the fact that these young women are making it a point to talk about sex. It really isn’t talked about nearly enough and the fact that these very young girls (19 year old’s?) are willing to do so is empowering. I don’t see anything wrong with Hayden’s quote.. She means, Abstinence is the best choice but if you are going to have sex then use protection and educate yourself, whats wrong with that?

    • I think it is more along the lines that we can all pretty much assume Hayden is not abstaining from sex. Unlike Bristol, who may have something to talk about with her experience of teen pregnancy, I don’t really see the point of Hayden talking to me about abstaining, when she doesn’t do it herself (most likely!).

      I do think it’s a subject we need to talk about more, I don’t think abstinence only education is correct in any way, I think people need to be educated and learn safe sex practices. I guess I just can’t take her seriously telling me to remain abstinent.

    • I don’t have a problem with it at all, and I’m pretty sure Wendie doesn’t either, it’s just that it’s confusing because it’s like, “Oh, she’s promoting abstinence…wait…I think? What?”

  • ok, ok, I know this is gonna sound pretty shallow and it’s an important and serious subject and blahblah, but what the hell is Panini wearing? She looks like a 35-year old…and those rolled up sleaves…oh my… she is a great example though if you want to know how you shouldn’t wear your clothes.

  • Hayden didn’t say she’s abstaining though, did she? She just said be smart and educate yourself.

  • I think Bristol Palin is the poster child for what happens when you stress abstinence over good sex education. Trying to make teenagers repress their powerful, natural sex drives makes as much sense as preaching abstinence to adults.

    If the people pushing abstinence were also promoting sexual techniques that don’t get you pregnant or STDs, like masturbation, oral sex with condoms, etc., I might think it was worthwhile. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt they are doing that; it would make too much sense.

  • i agree with coral’s post. of course abstinence is the safest form of STD prevention/birth control. some people can practice abstinence, and some can’t, which is why contraception education is so important. what’s wrong with talking about both? i see no contradiction in that.

  • Hayden better not have passed up Milo when she had the chance, he’s on my list!

  • I am just relieve to know two people “educated” in human sexuality are speakin’ out.

  • This is just crazy. Sex is important and healthy, women should be encouranged to embrace and enjoy it – this involves getting informed about how your bits work and how to get them working for you.

    You can have great sex without getting pregnant or catching an STD! I’m starting my own group- ‘Women for better sex’.

    Someone needs to carpet bomb Bristol Palin’s house with condom packets.